Sunday 24 February 2013

24.2.13 : Photo shooting

So, here's a few awesome pictures taken by Kwan Hau. I did some editing on the pics.
And, we have two pretty gurls with us: Shelle Wong, and Steyv Yap.



Wednesday 20 February 2013

Purpose VS Coincidence

Do you believe in love in first sight? Well, I'm still being skeptical about it. However, let's look at a bigger perspective. This is one the movies that got stuck in my head for some time. 

to get you thinking along the right lines
for your term paper.

It's the subject of randomness
versus determinism in the universe.

Who's jumping in? Jessica?

Determinism says
that occurrences in nature

are causally decided by preceding events
or natural laws,

that everything leading up to this point
has happened for a reason.

That's right. That's what determinism says.

Spencer? Tell me something about the sun.

It's hot.



Temperature's about 10,000 degrees
Fahrenheit on the surface,

- 27 million degrees at the core.
- Good.



A word or two about the composition.

Mostly hydrogen.

Also helium with some carbon
and nitrogen thrown in there.

Excellent. Now, I want you to think
about the perfect set of circumstances

that put this celestial ball of fire

at just the correct distance

from our little blue planet for life to evolve,

making it possible for you
to be sitting here in this riveting lecture.


But that's a nice thought, right?

Everything has a purpose, an order to it,
is determined.

But then there's the other side
of the argument,

the theory of randomness,
which says it's all simply coincidence.

The very fact we exist is nothing
but the result of a complex

yet inevitable string of chemical accidents

and biological mutations.

There is no grand meaning.

There's no purpose.

STACEY: What about you,
Professor Koestler?

- What?
- Well, what do you believe?

I think shit just happens.
~Knowing, 2009
I just think it'd be an interesting topic to share. Purpose or plain coincidence? Determinism or randomness?

CNY 2013

 wow...time really flies. and, here comes another year. The year of the Snake. *ssssssss*

But, before that, there; is plenty of cleaning to do.
Cleaned the kitchen, washed, swept, mopped, wiped...and phheeew, it was tiring. 

Essentially, there are the beautiful traditions that we are bound with.

and some nice food

I also got the chance to meet up with friends. 

Winser, Noraini, Noraini and Eyna

Ruthresh and Winser

and of course, not forgetting the highlight of the day: Jonas's birthday.

Tapas feeding Jonas the cake. sweet.

I love this picture. Priceless. 

and of course, this one also. 

Visited my aunt. But, here's a pic of the family pet. 

And also, we did some shopping at Leisure Mall, and had a bite of the infamous Rotiboy. 

Here's the scenery of Seri Kembangan from MINES wellness hotel. 

Here's another one from a different angle. 

Monday 4 February 2013


today, i came across a blog which made me feel how sucked i am in english (which i have always been) and in expressing thoughts which are bloody hard to come by. sometimes, it's not the bombastic and flowerish words and sentences that you use, it is the content and flow that makes the reader feel comfortable and yearn to know more. it's pretty fascinating how people are so good with words. 

today, i came across a couples' facebook page. yes, couple, meaning officially married people. i believe that you'd be pretty stunned and shocked to learn that they are only 21 and 17 years old. and, it's happening in malaysia. i don't know what are they thinking, nor do i know how would end up having their names printed in the marriage certificate. but, one thing for sure, they look cute. wrong! this means there's something going wrong with this society. and the 'likes' they received made the whole thing even wrong. 

today, i prepared lunch and dinner. i learnt that eggs are not supposed to be cooked together with rice before the eggs are hardened. or else, it's gonna be goo-ey. 

today, i changed the bulbs of my mum's room and the dining room. good thing i didn't get electrocuted. 

today, i updated my blog..titled 'stupidity and perspectives'. 

today, i realised that i have been wasting pretty much lots of my life. 

Perspectives of Stupidity

Stupidity: the quality or state of being stupid. (it doesn't help right?)

Apparently, after 18 years of living as a human, everything that we encounter, experience, had narrowed down to one element...perspectives.

I've been reading words lately. of different people. of different perspectives. different thoughts. 
these people have the confidence to influence us to believe, because...

well, just because we're stupid enough to believe which we're
plain stupid 
we can't come out with anything that is smart enough or... stupid enough 
we thought we are smart, while reality proves otherwise

ok, maybe 'stupid' sounded pretty harsh, but you'll see how stupid people are when they don't think like you do, while everybody is thinking the same about you. 

If everyone were to be thinking like you, seeing the things as you see it is, there'll be no such thing as perspectives. When there's no perspectives, the whole world population would drown in plain stupidity. 

So, the good thing is: perspectives may deem other people stupid but yourself, which is something bad and stupid. But, at least, not everyone would be stupid. 

The world doesn't function the way it is supposed to be, because it never did. 

Saturday 2 February 2013

YCM 43th CEO Series : Rauf Rashid

Pardon my 'in-formality' in writing the following post...LOL
So, on the 23 of January, my classmates and I attended the Young Corporate Malaysians (YCM) 43rd CEO series featuring Rauf Rashid, the managing partner for Ernst and Young Malaysia. And, the event was pretty interesting.

Before the talk started, we had a networking session with people from different industries. I met a few people, mostly ACCA students and a financial analyst from Shell. And, started out pretty awkward at first, after that, you'd slowly grab a grasp on the whole conversation. 

The talk was about Rauf's life experiences. He's from Kedah, went into a borading school, got a scholarship to UK, did his degree, worked at KPMG and earned his ICAEW qualification. He pointed out that a degree is different from the ICAEW qualification, which is when he tasted a little bitterness...ok...maybe lots of bitterness. He didn't make through the exams. This means that he had to spend another 5 months in the UK. And worse, that's the last exam before the syllabus is about to be changed. Do you have any idea how tough and frustrating is it? 

After hearing those words from his colleague. 

Failure is character building. 

He rose and he succeeded. 

He came back to Malaysia, and worked in and manages Arthur Anderson, later sold to Ernst and Young, which today is one of the largest accounting firms in the world. 

Rauf's response towards the questions raised and issues addressed during the Q&A session has truly been an breath-taking one, unlike the ones that makes you listen, listen, listen, listen.... (infinity)

Some of the pretty hot topics would be job-hopping among Gen-Y employees. And, basically he mentioned that this phenomena is probably due to the lack of patience in nowadays youngsters. ANd, it would be fine if the hop progresses you in terms of job prospects. A person like Rauf did received a number of job offers, despite having himself tied with E&Y. But, another thing that got him turning down the offer was....wait for it....freedom in work.... Yea, I know, but, it is a rare thing.

success is getting what you want, 

                        but happiness is wanting what you get...

Bored? Gimme another chance...

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