Tuesday 29 May 2012

The Mines : The otherwise experience

Yes! Finally, I have some time for breakzz...Ok, maybe just one day, because I'll be sitting for my actual E-exam next Sat. But, before that, let's make use of the time now. 
So, I met up with Ruthresh at the Mines, which I was kinda late (points finger at Dad). 
We talked about errmm...lots of things...and walked the whole shopping centre. Then, we had Chatime which we met Eyna who is back from PLKN for a term break. 

See where the stick wants you to hold? XD
Since there's like almost no where to walk, we went to the Heritage instead. 
The Heritage is kinda quiet and temple-styled, which they place 4 temple guardian statues at the lobby. 

Believe...deeply believe

Ruthresh with his charming teeth.

The lake @ Heritage, Mines.

They even have zodiac statues. The dragon is pretty cool.

and here's a monkey under the tree.

Here's a Monkey on the phone.

The tiger

The development and current plan. 

plants...sharppp plantzzz

After that, we went to the Mines Wellness Hotel, where we climbed lots of stairs. 

eco-friendly Innovation...

Ruthresh acting cute

We observed how the water lift worked. 

Explore the Sspectacular Water Lift experience which was developed with the cost of RM15 Million, to connect both MINES North Lake and South Lake in the MINES Resort City which were at 7 meters different height levels. It works on Hydraulic System to raise or lower the water level in order for the cruises to cruise from one lake to another.

This is my back after Ruthresh put grass into my shirt.

North Lake, Mines

Tyre markzzz

 Ruthresh also took me to the Mines Wonderland which is closed since the take over by Singapore's Capital Retail. Mines wonderland was pretty awesome when it was operating. Once upon a time:

Mines Wonderland

Display of coins..big ones.

Selangor The Mines Wonderland
Awesome lighting at night.

Selangor The Mines Wonderland
White Tiger show.

 Selangor The Mines Wonderland
And musical fountains.

The grand fountain that greets you at the entrance.

The rides available at the park will delight both children and adults. The Unity Train ride takes passengers on a circuit of the park, offering the opportunity to observe the different animals housed in the park and the well-maintained gardens. The Road Tram is an antique-style train that takes riders to the opposite side of the park. Meanwhile the Vintage Car permits the visitor to tour the garden and lake in grand style.

The unique 10,000 sq ft Ice Factory maintains a temperature of up to 15 degrees celsius below zero, and displays engrossing ice sculptures of various animals and fish. Visitors may borrow a winter jacket at the entrance to the attraction.

The Secrets of the Tiger exhibit allows visitors to view the majesticBengal tiger at close range, including the rare white tiger, as they wander freely in their enclosure. Other creatures to be seen include the swan, peacock, macaw and goats. 
Make it a point to visit the Amphitheatre where you may see the sensational Musical Fountain where the water seems to dance in the air to the rhythm of the music with the bright lighting adding to the charm. The native dance of Sabah in East Malaysia is also featured. An aqua laser show ends the display.
source:  http://www.thefamilytravelblog.com/2011/09/mines-wonderland-delightful- theme-park.html 

Now, it's all gone. My parents used to take me there during Chinese New Year to enjoy the decorations and the Snow House and Terracotta soldiers display. 
 What it looks like now:

Still, there's some colours...


Ruthresh with flower.

Hidden temple, which was built before the wonderland.  

Coin still in good shape.

some fruits.

 Lastly, we refilled at Carl's Jr. Seriously nice fries, but watch out for pimples and sore-throats after that. That's why they provide unlimited refill for drinks to wash away the heat. XD

Oooo...I'm delighted


Thanks, Ruthresh!

The end.


Yesterday, I was having my mock exam for Business & Finance and Accounting.

Still OK. my marks for Business dropped to 70. I think I would have scored better if I had enough time to study, as I attended my grandma's funeral and also, finishing the paper early without checking my answers. 

But my Accounting improved. This is what actually happened:
The questions were totally same, identical, copied from the internet, which I (fortunately) printed it out and did some. If I didn't do so, I would have failed my exam. Somehow, it's just not fair for the rest. 


Departure ~ Grandma

My grandmother departed on 1150, 25-5-2012. 93 yrs. The ritual was pretty simple. Many came to paid their final respect. After the funeral, everybody was invited for lunch, which bill is under her. Thanks, grandma. Rest in peace. We'll always miss you.

Thursday 17 May 2012

Facebook Parenting: Shooting Daughter's Laptop

Mock exams will be in 2 weeks time and I gave up studying...
But, here's something interesting...

wow...seriously, there's nothing much I could say 'bout these videos. Erin (cute girl from last video above) definitely made some great points in "counselling" the troubled parent who "counselled" his daughter by shooting her laptop (I mean, he bought it for her). It's a mad and pathetic world...

Yes, people do make mistakes. But, remember, learn from them and don't repeat them. The father took this drastic action by putting like 10 bullets (6 for his frustrations and disappointment in her, 1 for the mother and 2 to make sure, just in case the laptop is still repairable). Come on, he is spending some bucks on the bullets to shoot some other things that costs like RM1000. But, that's a sight of relief when you don't see a mad cowboy driving a truck on the street in pursuit of his daughter with a shotgun. At least nobody got hurt right? I know there's really something wrong with my language structure, but let me put this straight : such response in shooting a laptop is not wrong, but it is a drastic action that is expensive and irrational.

Dr. Phil's show is to help troubled teens and parents, but indirectly may embarrass the person in front of the audience. I'm not a TV reality show expert, but, those people that are being counselled and interviewed by Dr. Phil had the choice whether to go up on air, in which they have to foresee some interesting issues like embarrassment, especially when dealing with issues like this. Yet, the TV show is makes constructive progress in putting the shattered pieces of family back together. On the other hand, the dad's intention was to let the world know that his daughter has gone too far, and wished to give the girl a lesson. But, the action he chose by shooting the laptop was totally against his intention, which led to destructive implications. The daughter had no choice (unavoidable) in watching a video about her laptop being drilled by bullets, which was posted on her Facebook page. 

Such action may ignite fear or a sense of revenge from the daughter. "There's difference between tough love and shooting a laptop," Erin made it pretty clear here. Teenagers are in the stage where they make most mistakes and tend to learn most out of them. A gun fire somehow would just extinguish her passion towards life and bring her to a dead end. The daughter may be too afraid to try out new things as her dad may put a bullet hole in the medium that contributes in the mistake. For example, the daughter, Hannah got pregnant while she's still 16. So, is the dad gonna shoot the baby or the boyfriend in the.....ya' know...?

The daughter would not be able to make progress in her life. Or, she could make all the mistakes she wants throughout her life, because she knows that her dad won't be able to hurt her. If things made her pretty mad, she could just put some bullet holes back at his dad's stuff. And, the cycle goes on and on...until they have nothing else to shoot but themselves. (sarcasm, get it? XD)

I would like to type more 'bout this...but I've got some studies to catch up with....

She's got potential to become a news broadcaster and even a lawyer! http://www.youtube.com/user/erinsotherstuff?feature=watch

source: http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5103/5604256753_1d4941bf37_m.jpg

Friday 11 May 2012

What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

Exams are easy
Easy to
~Mr. Jack Wong, BF lecturer

hello, humans. Yes, I am aware that there's not many people reading silly things posted by a 17-year-old kid. And, I do realize that I have not been updating this blog consistently. This piece of blog is kinda like my diary that are not too personal. 

And, yea...the posts nowadays will be on college life. As I've said, college is tough, and I didn't know that I have to grow up that rigorously. It's pretty hard to catch up with the pace of the lecturers and the syllabus. College, or the course (CFAB) I'm doing, is definitely tougher than secondary schools where we studied hard, but played even harder. 

This week is all about studies and exams (again). Yea...we have a test once every 3 weeks. And, the lecturers and students have 2 13-chapter-syllabuses to cover in 3 months. Progress test 2 today was a challenging one. I improved 6 marks for Business & Finance (78%) but had a hard time answering Accounting...which I dropped to 57.5%, meaning that I almost failed (anything below 55%). The rest are picking up their momentum in their studies, obviously seen through their results. While they are building sky-scrapers, I'm still stacking LEGO blocks. 

Well, at least I passed, right? 

I have an English assignment to hand in by next Wed and plenty of catching-upsss to do. In another 2 weeks will be English 1 exam and then Mock exam on the following week. The mocks are the ones that determine whether am I eligible to sit for the real exams. 

What you think the class is...
What the students do...

Actually, I'm the deer....


something that I would like to share: 

Persistence of Memory
I saw it in a book and FB.

source: http://realitybitesartblog.blogspot.com/2011/01/bite-45-salvador-dali-persistence-of_25.html


Bored? Gimme another chance...

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