Friday 11 May 2012

What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

Exams are easy
Easy to
~Mr. Jack Wong, BF lecturer

hello, humans. Yes, I am aware that there's not many people reading silly things posted by a 17-year-old kid. And, I do realize that I have not been updating this blog consistently. This piece of blog is kinda like my diary that are not too personal. 

And, yea...the posts nowadays will be on college life. As I've said, college is tough, and I didn't know that I have to grow up that rigorously. It's pretty hard to catch up with the pace of the lecturers and the syllabus. College, or the course (CFAB) I'm doing, is definitely tougher than secondary schools where we studied hard, but played even harder. 

This week is all about studies and exams (again). Yea...we have a test once every 3 weeks. And, the lecturers and students have 2 13-chapter-syllabuses to cover in 3 months. Progress test 2 today was a challenging one. I improved 6 marks for Business & Finance (78%) but had a hard time answering Accounting...which I dropped to 57.5%, meaning that I almost failed (anything below 55%). The rest are picking up their momentum in their studies, obviously seen through their results. While they are building sky-scrapers, I'm still stacking LEGO blocks. 

Well, at least I passed, right? 

I have an English assignment to hand in by next Wed and plenty of catching-upsss to do. In another 2 weeks will be English 1 exam and then Mock exam on the following week. The mocks are the ones that determine whether am I eligible to sit for the real exams. 

What you think the class is...
What the students do...

Actually, I'm the deer....


something that I would like to share: 

Persistence of Memory
I saw it in a book and FB.


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