Tuesday 28 August 2012

Not-so professional....

holidays' over.

Yesterday's traffic was seriously crazy. A car which lane is supposed to go straight suddenly turned right, causing me almost banging on him. And another bloody car so blur till he didn't realise that he was in the Touch N Go lane, which he does not have the TnGo card. And, there's cars everywhere which took quite some time, further worsened by the Pasar Malam. Interesting...

Ok...so today was presentation day for English. It had me wondering why for all 3 presentations, I'm not able to meet he lecturer's expectations. It's like we had been enemies in our previous lives, long before we're born.... nevermind 'bout that....just some comments that the powerpoint slides were not formal enough, hence lack professionalism.

Alex and me...
(I desperately need some new attire as I've been wearing the same shirt for every formal occasions.)
photo credits of Xin Ying.  


But here's the part that I'm not really pleased....redoing the written assignment....

Never...in my life..I have to modify a piece of Eng Essay 3 times...
(do you like my new Facebook design template XD)
Ya see...when there's a problem, you have to solve it, because the preventative measures have failed. 
That's all.
Thank you very much.

I'll be updating on the Raya holidays once Mock exams have passed and I'd like to make a Youtube video. Perhaps I should be in the movie production line someday.

Oh yea...if you've missed my first video...

I apologise if I've wasted your time on such crap. 
(well you can't expect much either, as everything is done in like 2 hours) 

Thursday 23 August 2012

Breath~taking @ Genting

Hi there, so this is my first visit to Gohtong Jaya and Genting Highlands this year and it is really a breathtaking one. We went there via the Pekeliling bus. The station was typical. Typical in the sense that it felt like the Pudu Raya bus terminal once upon a time before the grand renovation. You can see the vendors shouting for passengers and the ambiance was just classic. 

The Pekeliling bus departs every half an hour. There are strict seating rules on who's getting the window seat and the other having the aisle seat. There was one old lady that boarded the bus from a bus stop and obviously, she didn't have a ticket. Still, the driver let her on but she had to seat on the steps. 

If you would notice, Genting attracts 3 groups of people. One for the thrill-seeking youngsters, the gambling adults (mostly senior citizens) and those with the intention to get away from the city's stuffiness. 

We stopped by Gohtong Jaya. It was pretty quiet and not so cool. Literally cool. We had a simple meal there, no idea to consider it as breakfast or lunch. Fine, brunch then...

Gohtong Jaya, Genting Highlands.

Lanterns on the tree. 
After that, we walked to the Strawberry Leisure Farm. And walked into the exit entrance. It is like a maze in the farm, once in you just have to complete the passage till the exit. No turning back. Ok, it doesn't sound that eerie after all. But good thing being trapped in there is that there are various sections to explore and plenty of activities to do. There are the strawberry farms (obviously) for you to pick the strawberries yourself, the lavender section (yes! Lavender!), the honey section where you could see a display of bee species and nests while buying their products without getting stung. Simply dive into myriad of greenery.

Genting Strawberry Leisure Farms.

Rose Rose I love you~

Strawberry plants

Oh yea... I once read a book that provides effective plantation, including greenhouse and watering system. Ya see, nowadays plantations don't use big sprinklers that is only able to cover a limited circumference. Instead, a small tube branches out from a main hose to water the plants directly.

Stickers for entrance.

Greenhouse roof? with appropriate ventilation.



A big cabbage? 

Don't touch me you humans!

Once we reached the peak of Genting Highlands, meaning Genting itself, we had a drink there. While dad decided to play his iPad, mum and I wondered around. here're some pictures taken along the way:

The Olive, Genting 

Inception? XD
Also, we stopped by the Visitor's Galleria. To understand the struggle of a China man from mainland to Malaysia, the construction knowledge he possessed that initiated a dream that no one dared. Till the founding of Genting corp and several more branches in major tourists attractions, like New York and Philippines. You'll find everything here. 

While browsing through the visitor's log,
I found it interesting that some people do not know how to spell "excellent"

Genting Malaysia

Genting in calligraphy 

First world logo under my feet!


I guess that'll be it. This post is supposed to be posted last week, but I was too lazy and mum was too busy with the computer and dad keeps harassing me on the computer when I have the chance. 

Tuesday 7 August 2012


Whatsssup yaw....

I don't feel like writing anything heavy here. So, if ANY of YOU would like me to write something or anything of all sorts....challenge accepted. Yes, anything.

Read through something called "Iconoclast" and thought it would be enjoyable to read....and after 8 pages....I fell asleep, literally. Don't get me wrong here. It's not that the book is boring. It's just that some of the words are beyond me comprehension and IT'S A BOOK! I could hang on a little longer if they made it into a video....

The book started out with the story of Howard Armstrong, the guy who created the FM which proved higher fidelity than AM freq. He's an example of iconoclast.

The iconoclastic brain differs in 3 functions: perception, fear response and social intelligence.
To see things differently from others, the most effective solution is to bombard the brain with things it had never encountered before. Novelty releases the perceptual process from the shackles of past experience and forces the brain to make new judgement. The iconoclast embraces novelty.
Novelty triggers fear. Fear of uncertainty, public ridicule and inability to persuade.
Social intelligence depends on perception, but perception itself is subject to social forces.


Bored? Gimme another chance...

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