Sunday 30 December 2012

All in All : 2012

Last year, I've left you with this. Apparently, none of the above was chosen. 

And....another year ends. It's indeed different, sometimes frightening on how the world operates....after so many years hiding in schools. The world is big, but never too much.

I'm a lazy person, so to be frank...I don't like spending my first day of the year reporting for National Service. =.='', but it's been a wonderful experience.

Kompeni Bravo, Kem PLKN Titian Bintangor, S9 K1

And some outings outside the camp. 

Then....came the tide of horror...'s just SPM

Now...let me tell you what's scary: 

and presentations

and activities

and classmates who are so-freaking smart and competitive.

and some readings and research
 P/S: another record broken for sleeping only half an hour just to finish the assignment

and the lecturers

and having your face projected in front of the whole damn class!

All of 'em pretty much freaked me out. 

But still, there're some not-so-freaked-out-times:

Annual Dinner, CFAB/ICAEW
18 years old and still drinking ice lemon tea.

watching How I Met Your Mother S8 in class

plentiful of insights via conferences. 
seee? I told ya' don;t need a jacket to stand out from the rest. 

Trip to Penang with friends. 

Also, not forgetting secondary school friends:

Together with 2 school's smartest, teacher, and another 2 capable people

Sunway Pyramid

and, I'm sad to say....somehow, we grow to be more mature....or not....
KL Urban Trekking with Ruthresh, who is now at Kolej Matrikulasi Pahang

KL day trip

Sunway Pyramid

Kek Leong's birthday

Kah Yan's birthday

and of course, the guy from Australia, Dylan.
Thanks, Shu Weng for joining us.
and...hope to see Zhen Xiang and Jia Jie next year.

Finally some personal moments

Bye, grandma. miss you. 

and food. (with Kwan Hau) 

From Ryan Higa's YTF:
Yesterday's dreams, Today's accomplishment, forever legacy

and this is an egg, and you can expect more from it. 

Tuesday 25 December 2012

KL Urban Jungle Trekking

Hey guys. So, during my Deepavali break, I got the chance to hang out with Ruthresh and yea it was awesome! XD 
P/S: The photos are not in chronological order. 

This is Bukit Jalil LRT Station. 

Guess where this place is? 
Lot10 rooftop lift entrance. It gave me quite a unique impression bout this. 

And, here's the consequences of using a 5MP camera phone. XD 
Christmas is early this year....I think it's because of the Mayan predictions? XD

And you wouldn't miss the giant big red ball labelled Pavilion...every Christmas...every year. The decorations and ornaments just gets more and more, and the more there are, the merrier it would be!

Perhaps not of the 'pepper lunch' that I expected. Basically, it's rice, with corn, with onion leaves, butter and a few chunks of meat...on a plate...which is hot. With a price of RM15, it doesn't come with drinks! (well, there's self service cold water dispenser) 

KLCC elevators. 

In case you got lost, here's some help. 

they look stiff and bare...

This is Ruthresh attempting to cross the road. 

This is a picture of Ruthresh and Winser cam-whoring on the road. 

This is another picture of Ruthresh and Winser cam-whoring in front of the Mercedes Benz showcase centre. (sorry for the picture being upside-down)

Happy belated Deepavali or in advance(2013)

Sg Besi LRT station. The tracks on the left are for the KTM, 
while the elevated tracks are for the LRT

Sometimes....too big ain't too good. XD

Merry Christmas.... gold & glitter and let it snow! 

A wardrobe? no. It's a lift on the Lot10 rooftop. 

Don't be naughty....or else there'll be no present for you. 

Pavilion KL, Christmas. 2012

I like the marks on the butt. XD 

Is anybody gonna explain to me 
why on Earth SK II is the only booth on the main atrium?


Ruthresh posing with the Pepper Lunch. 

Cinderella and the chariot. 

Chandelier, Pavilion, KL

Christmas decorations at Fahrenheit 88. It's pretty quiet there. 

A river which I have no idea what its name is. Gombak? Klang?

KL Tower.

Geography saved us!

Look at the figures carefully. Still, you get your change back. 

This would be the perfect place to dump dead bodies into the river underneath. 

KL Tower

Starbucked! XD I will share some important stuffs on what I read about Starbucks if I have the time. 

Masjid Jamek.

Sungei Wang Plaza. 

Tengkat Tong Shin.

My second boost of caffein.

Bored? Gimme another chance...

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