Tuesday 25 December 2012

Christmas 2012

Merry Christmas, folks!

Finally, after much anticipation....I've got the chance to meet up with 2 of my primary school buddies, Dylan Lee and Shu Weng. Oh Yeah!

We had Gui Ling Gao at Gong Woh Tong, then the arcade, then pool, then Starbucks, then some Soju.
19.5% alcohol.....WOWOOOOOOO~~.....ok. I'm not drunk. XD

I got lost when Shu Weng tried to explain to rules of the game. 

Though not able to shoot many balls, but personally I think pool would be a game of wisdom (personal thought). It's different from other physical sports (badminton, swimming, etc), nor it is like cards or games. Pool teaches you to reach out for a new perspective, to look at thing from a different angle. And, the trickiest part: precision, which I never got a hold of it. In another way, you get to apply some of your concepts in Physics. Because the cue is not directly facing a red ball (which you have to hit first) doesn't mean that you can't...and of course, vice versa. 

We had a chat on our personal experiences on National Service as well as the Australian defense system and stuff like that. #gunz hehe
P/S: I'll get back to the Starbucks series. XD

After that, we challenge ourselves to some alcohol....the Korean soju....served chilled. and yea...we chatted again. I think the soju was a great worth of money....not because (just a little) of the 19.5% alcohol content, but the complementary tidbits and soup served together. and... yea...we chatted again and again.

We talked about Christianity and Buddhism and other stuffs. and we went along pretty well.

Merry Christmas...and God bless...happy birthday, Lord. 

and for this year's pick of Christmas song (last year's was White Christmas) is 
Merry New York Christmas. 

I think the lyrics displays the true meaning and spirit of Christmas...
which is all about Him. 

"hear the sidewalks angel's echo....Hallelujah"

“How many observe Christ's birthday! How few, His precepts!” 
                                                           ― Benjamin Franklin

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