Thursday 10 January 2013


2013 will be a great year to achieve new heights, and realising the resolutions. This year will be....wait for it.....awesome!! Oh Yeah!!! I'm gonna study hard, play hard, exercise more, socialise more, help out my parents more, be more mature, be more sensitive, have more friends, have more money, more health, more more more!!!! *hops all around sprinkling confetti*

ok. back to reality. wake up!!!
scratch that intro just's just bloody lame and WTH?  0.o

This year's resolution would be simple: be awesome (not a chance) and.....simple.....(???!!!)

After sleeping whole day at home...
like sleeping at 11 night and wake up at 11 morning the next day, and eat food and sleep again at 3 till 6, then dinner, and TV and sleep....

and yea...that would be pretty lame, but mind you, sleeping is never enough.
In fact, if you re-read the first'd be smart enough to realise...that...nothing is enough.

So, I'm gonna allocate 8 hours in sleep, 8 hours in study, and 8 hours in junk stuff. And I hope that I could maintain such a regime.

The world is never enough. Read this, and tell me who's having 'not-enoughs' here:

oh more thing: Walking dead is back...soon: 

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