Tuesday 22 October 2013

weirdness...i have some...

if this ain't love, i have no idea what's love anymore. 

i'm just gonna wait and try and wait and try. 

yes, i make mistakes. 

and i'm sorry for that. 

at least, i'm regretting bout my mistakes

rather than "what i should have done"

my mistakes haunt me all the time

nobody knows

i hope you understand that

you're a part of me now 

although to you i may be that insignificant

i don't mind

and this is just bloody weird. 

Wednesday 16 October 2013

New Quarter

new quarter
two subjects
two finals
half dead
lagging behi...
(yeah...that's how much I'm lagging)

welcome to icaew application module.

Bored? Gimme another chance...

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