Saturday 15 September 2012

Regrets vs Dissatisfaction

My results....
it gets worse.
what the heck!
this shouldn't be happening.
This semester was supposed to be an easy one. I read the textbook, did the question bank 3 times, made my own notes twice, memorised all important stuffs. Nothing could possibly have gone wrong.
ok...things may have got pretty screwed up. but, at least, nothing SHOULD have gone wrong.

Ok. let me make myself clear a little. I was well prepared. but the questions were basically tougher. and that's pretty normal. Everybody has a different set of questions which are randomly picked by the system out from a bank, which is unfair.

lucky me (I'm being sarcastic)...I got the tough ones. and the allocation of questions based on chapters were totally uneven. I had some challenging times analysing Ethics questions which turned up to be like half of the questions. There are 16 chapters and only 2 of the chapters plays a great role. this is stupid. Furthermore, one question branches out into babies which makes the whole thing worse.

Lucky enough. I passed. But if there is a chance for me to resit this exam, and with some luck, I would go for it. I know what I'm capable of and what I need help with. But not this one.

I'm pretty convinced that I've done my part.

If everybody were to get the same questions.....everything would be different.... regrets.

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