Monday 24 September 2012

New Quarter : Brief update

hey anybody....
This is gonna be a very brief post....i hope. quarter had started.
Law...Eng 3 and Malaysian Studies.

Basically, everything is fun.
Law is something that doesn't involve yea....
Hope I could cope with it well...
The lecturer, Ms Pushpa is motherly, old-school-styled and requires absolute silence when she's delivering her lecture. She's still going pretty slow with us, because we're new to this subject...duh....
About 5 pages in 3 hours. That's how specific she could have covered the content of the text. But, never take Law for granted. I'd read and read and re-read one sentence and still have no idea what it's about. Well, that's how it goes. Let's wait and see.

English 3 is kinda fun. Ms Jacqueline is pretty interesting. We were given assignment on the case studies of some established organizations from various industries. I'd like to go for Starbucks as the topic of assignment, but there're like 2 other groups trying to get the same topic. So, we opted for Ford. No idea what exactly what we're supposed to write 'bout....probably some stuff that we acquired from Business & Finance from 1st quarter. Hey! At least we're doing something different! A case study..wooooo~

Oh yea... though our English lecturer, Ms Jacqueline is currently doing PhD in Marketing or some sort related fields.

Malaysian Studies currently is all about presentation and final exam. Presentation deadline by tomorrow. so...ciao~

Pardon me for the lack of quality and expression and thought in writing throughout the posts....
I'll try to write personal thoughts on stuff, rather than the posts of reports.

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