Friday 23 November 2012


Not literally... just something 'bout exam.... probably studied too much till I mixed up everything I learnt. For example, wrongful dismissal, unfair dismissal and redundancy. And, why did I study so much (not that much)?


Ok, exams aside. Let's talk about something casual. let's talk 'bout German and love.
(If they could create a movie called 'From Berlin with Love'.....)

German may not be most romantic language on Earth, nor it sounds like a language (no offense though). But, please let me introduce a few words into your life...
which probably you would be lazy to pronounce 'em as well.

So, I watched How I Met Your Mother S8 Ep1, and Klaus, a German dude was mumbling some words:

Lebenslangerschicksalsschatz  (P/S I was too lazy, so I just copied and pasted the whole word.)
Which means lifelong treasure of destiny

meaning : the thing that is almost the thing that you want, but is not quite

I found them quite meaningful....and probably has changed my perspective on relationships and girls. (what? I'm a boy. don't you deny it, you know your desire.) 

So, basically they mean what we are seeking for it the 'lifelong treasure of destiny', not 'the thing that is almost the thing you want, but not quite'. 

Perhaps everything could be best explained from a website I've got: 

Keyword: Instantaneous.
Frankly, I'm not a really conservative person that we could simply judge things by 'first sight', and would consider myself sometimes getting stuck due to 'analysis by paralysis'.

But, I guess both are of extreme ends and they are pretty hard to strike a balance between them.
And, I think its best to keep out of this, and let time and your feelings do the work.
Also, you'll need sincerity or else 'Karma' is gonna smack you in da face! XD

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