Wednesday 31 October 2012


yea...I'm back on track in my Law subject with a 74% after last time's 66%.
just then I'm smacked by the English assignment. Nevertheless, I think it's quite fun, as Sherlock Holmes once said: My mind...rebels at stagnation...

Although assignment is due next Thursday, but there's still pretty much to cover, esp when it comes to a 25-page-assignment. Good thing is I have a group...but yea...we're not making much progress yet. Maybe until then we would realize the ticking of the clock is actually draining our blood. Happy Halloween, by the way. *this gets more random*

oh more thing....badminton. I think I really suck at it now. And after some shuttle-cock-picking-session, rather than hitting the cocks, I've gained some things, despite it's kinda painful...which leads to my first point: (not all of them derive from just playing badminton, but also the activities that complement and are attached to it.)

1) Learning is painful. Regardless of my stamina, skills or even my weird behaviour, the words that sometimes pokes on them sometimes annoy me....pretty much. But then from whom the words came from are friends that really made me grow.

2) Bringing a racket that you're not gonna use it....then why bring it? It certain circumstances, you...or I may think that it would be "appropriate" to adapt to the environment, but the perceptions and reactions from others are the true reflections to my so-called "adaptation". Most of the time, it's not what you think is right, but what others think so sometimes should be taken into consideration.

3) Get lighter shoes. Yes....I think my shoes are kinda heavy so I can't really jump and ended up smacking nothing.

4) Actions are actually tougher than words.... well not in the case where you insult or condemn someone or something. Watching people playing on TV while giving comments on their mistakes is simply easy, but essentially, playing yourself would be like having your legs cemented to the floor.

5) Watch where you're going. Yea...once I tried to pick the shuttle cock from the court beside without realising that I was about to get smacked by the players there.

6) I have poor reflexes.... yes...I'm working on that. *probably due to heavy shoes

7) Sometimes, let's just play like how we like to...without rules. As long you hit the ball, inside the line...outside the line....nothing matters.

8) It takes sip by sip, bit by bit to make yourself. But, most importantly, don't lose yourself. *unfortunately, I making changes to gain myself back.

9) It's alright to expose your weakness among long you know how to control them without having your friends using them against you. *I suck in this.

10) People react to different kind of people. Everybody knows how this works. Need no elaboration on this. *awkwardness

11) Learn from the past, but don't get haunted by them. *I working on this aspect also. Sometimes, you just wanna begin again, but it ain't gonna happen. What I am today is made up from the past, and I hate myself for what I've done....seriously.

12) Nobody understands you more than you do. The term 'understand' may narrow down to very specific aspects, and not many know about them. So, from those advice and comments, just sieve out the relevant ones.

13) Awkwardness...gets more awkward when you have no idea how to respond. So, in most situations like this, you'd hear me moaning "aiyaaa~"... Apparently, I can't think of a better way to tackle these situations. To me, trying to explain something is pretty much complex is quite equitable to silence, where the other person still have no idea what you're talking about.

14) Don't blame things on your parents all the time. 'there are many things to be sad of....but there's plenty of things to be happy of as well'. In other words...optimism (to a certain stretch) helps you to embrace....stuff and if they were bad stuff, it converts them into something nicer.

15) Pain is good...meaning that you're some way....but not literally, nor excessively.

and one last thing: don't forget to breath.

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