Monday 8 October 2012

Winser's understanding of love: 2012

Hi. Just came across this post by Jasryn a couple weeks ago. At first blush, I was fascinated by such perspective of hers.

Listened to the radio while tried falling asleep. didn't help. Instead, memories came flushing in, which I thought of this post...

Here's some important stuff about Jasryn's post:
You should love yourself. Expecting someone else to do it is like expecting someone else to breathe for you. And it sounds crazy but a lot of people do - they expect someone else to take care of them, to protect them, to fix them.
My boyfriend asked me if I thought he completed me. And I said no.
Because for him to do that I would first have to admit something about me is missing - and a lot of things are; patience, tolerance, understanding - but another person isn't one of them. I've never felt like one half of a whole. Is that bad?
I said I think that we should look for people who complement rather than complete us. Maybe they can smooth some of the jagged edges left by lesser men but being complete should be your own problem.
How can you give someone you love anything less than all you are? How can you expect someone else to fix your problems? Sure, there's pay the bills and help fix the broken light bulb will ya?

lot of boys and girls think their lives will have meaning if they find a partner who wants nothing else in life but them. That’s not healthy. That’s falling in love with the idea of a person, not the actual person.
- Joseph Gordon Levitt on 500 Days of Summer do I start...

you should love yourself.
it does give you the thrust
to strive harder,
hang on a little longer,
dress a little prettier,
and reflect yourself better.

People see a hole in them
rather than a gap in life

It is not a person that is missing in you,
but rather
something you want is missing in life

and so

People fill themselves
with someone else
or something of aren't theirs
which is never of matching size

You tend to overlook

and expect people
to do the "loving" for you,
drowning you with compliments,
for you would say:
I love those who love me for being who I am.


Loving yourself doesn't mean that
you complete your own self.

What people seek is what you possess.
But, neither you can they own, nor can you own them.
people share.

Complete is of part of me

Complement is more like a package.
as they were never yours.

If it were to be
people being complete without love
there would never be one.

If it were to be
people falling for the idea of a person
is not falling in love
Then, what is love?


  1. Wow!! Love, Love, Love.. Well, i think love is something that brings you to someone or something that fills you with joy and happiness.. it can complete or complement you... no matter what it is... love is something that really means the world to you which you would never ever give it away... (hopefully that made some sense) o_O

  2. wootzzzz... beware, ladies. we have a love expert here yo!!! how's life, by the way? XD

  3. hahahaha~~ lol love expert~~~ Life's usual, quite exciting though~~~ ntg much~~~ I MISSED YOU ALOT!!!! <3 <3 how r u?? n hw's life thr??? BTW!!! i wanna book an appointment with you on 11/11/12 ~~~ reply me ASAP~~


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