Friday 12 July 2013

Graduan Aspire: Apprentice Challenge 2013

The Graduan Aspire Conference was held at the KLCC on the 6th July, 2013.

So, I was there with a few Sunway guys and girls. And, the conference was somehow interesting and fun. The conference and the fair was officiated by the Minister of the PM's department, Dato' Sri Idris Jala. Dato' Sri shared his story in Shell, MAS and finally ending up in the PM's department. "It doesn't matter what you do, just do your best," his advice on fellow graduates, as he had taken journeys that was not of his top preference... He addressed that he didn't want to be involved in politics, having that as one of his "principles", and currently, although serving as a minister, he is not affiliated with any political parties. He is a minister without portfolio. 

Also present were the CEOs featured in the Aprentice Challenge...and these guys are the titans of their respective industries:

Ahmad Izham Omar, Chief Executive Officer, Primeworks Studios
Sajith Sivanandan, Country Manager, Google Malaysia
Sridharan Nair, Managing Partner, PwC Malaysia
Jason Jonathan Lo, Chief Executive Officer, Tune Talk
Dato' Sri Shazalli Ramly, Chief Executive Officer, Celcom Axiata Berhad

Jason Lo made his loud appearance in the hall by coming late, by the way...something very interesting.

There's also a forum with the CEOs and moderated by Sridharan Nair.

What do employers look for?

Jason would like to have employees that understands and are familiar with the company, culture and the market. Having the initiative to do initiate something is also one of the credentials. And, he would hire applicants who dares to wear a skirt into the interview (think Sir Richard Branson).

Sajith from Google receives 4000 to 5000 job applications per day. Hence, besides grades, the applicant should possess the X-factor...being it starting a business and other activities that could gain experience.

Izham Omar emphasized on "don't fail any subject" and "extracurricular activities", like backpacking etc. He is looking for people that could drive the industry and those who would like to create the "most amazing TV show."

Dato' Sri Shazali would hire the above people. End of story. Of course, he is looking for people who are different, having said that "you got to be good looking to be seen."

The panels agreed that core values like courage, originality, creativity and integrity are also taken into consideration.


Not really.

The GRADUAN Apprentice finalists had to take on the stage to wow the audience and their respective CEO of choice. Basically, they have to convince the CEOs on why are they the most suitable candidate for this apprentice job. There were 11 candidates. And, to be frank, I was amused but somehow partly disappointed with the choices of the chosen candidates. I suppose this highlights the importance of the CVs and resumes.

So, mainly...the content was about their life and achievements. I'm impressed with the exposure that they have through participation in many activities, competitions etc. They really live an interesting life.

I can only recall a few outstanding candidates...but I don't know their name.

Jason's candidate:
Both were girls wearing red and black. They were asked on what's Jason's favourite football club. One answered MU and the other one MyTeam. But the answer's Chelsea. Both candidates have a very distinctive accent which made me thinking "is this a story-telling competition?" Seriously, please speak normally. No offence. And, of the whole presentation by both girls, there's not really an X-factor there. But, the catch was on their perception. One of the candidate's thoughts on "I only want to work for the top" apparently was not in line with Jason's way of thinking.

Sajith's candidates:
He decided to turn the game around, by giving an alternate question: What are the challenges Google face and how to overcome 'em?

Of course, both candidates stood up for the challenge and both did well. One from Monash and the other from Curtin. I wasn't really paying attention on what did they really say, but I have some thoughts of my own (having done my assignment on Google Inc.): Google should provide consumers an "experience" rather than merely a "service". In terms of how could Google achieve that...can be seen through their search system, design, innovations, resources, credibility...etc. Another point would be on attracting advertisers, besides the "people who browse the web using Google". Afterall, these advertisers are the ones generating Google's revenue. So, it is vital not to overlook this aspect...which I think both candidates did.

Dato' Sri Shazali's candidates were ok. Both presented themselves well and in a decent manner.

Ahmad Izham Omar had three candidates, which I can't recall any three on them. sorry. XD

Finally, Sridharan (Managing partner of PwC) had 2 candidates which were somewhat amusing and "I don't think they're accounting students". Apparently both of the candidates were good friends and they were pretty much convinced on "fate" that brought them here together. So, they came out with a strategy, which worked quite well. They convinced Sridharan to take in both of them as his apprentice...something very different.

Last but definitely not least, a band performance by the CEOs. Totally awesome. Jason (being the lead singer) really has a nice voice. 4 songs altogether..but I forgot the names. oopps.

here's some pictures:

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