Monday 1 July 2013


Wow...ok. So, I failed for my application for the internship in PwC. No biggy. 

Ouch...actually it's pretty much something big for me. 
I rarely fail...that's one thing. and it burns.

For once I was being optimistic in what I'm doing and apparently I had learnt to be realistic the hard way. Perhaps I should learn my English better in differentiating "optimism", "confidence", "self esteem" and "ego".

Yes. I learn through mistakes. And, as long these mistakes are not material enough for me to fail. I'm fine with that. 

Apparently I failed. 
And, currently jobless and unemployed. 

Ya' know what's the consequences of failing? Nagging from parents. Lots of nagging...

I have no idea what I'm doing. 

And, this is weird. But, to those who are thinking that I'm weird...I understand...but, I'm not...seriously. 

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