Tuesday 10 April 2012

09/4/12 : Run & KL Relish :

Sunway Pyramid
Sunway Pyramid
Hello. So, I'll be updating on the first activity that I've participated in college : Charity Run themed "A Child at a Time", which aim is to collect tuition fee for orphans that are sitting for SPM this year. A registration fee of RM20 and you'll get a free T-shirt and a certificate of participation. The best part is, you could do some exercising while you pay contribute in the name of charity. Seriously, I've not been working out since I came back from National Service. So, I guess that's a price that I would pay to get me fit again.

I thought I could run through the 5km route, but, in fact, and pathetically, I can't. I started at a petty pace of jogging, together with Yew Jin. And then I dumped him. sorry. I tried to catch up with the others, unaware that there's still a long way to go. Accompanied by the morning traffic and construction exhaust gas, I think I would get lung cancer or something. Perhaps it is the cause afterall, I had chest pain (lower part of right lung), for I've never encountered before, although I still have enough breath and strength and of course, determination. So, it's kinda weird for me. Good news, I didn't finish last. Damn good news, I've burned some fats and got my packs back...well, 4 of them, at least.
Morning traffic....??

 So, today is the day, that I shall try to get back home using public transport. In my case, the only mode is by bus (maybe until 2014 after the completion of the new MRT), and I've never taken a bus alone. First, I went into the (wrong) bus which is heading towards the wrong direction. Though pretty embarrassed, still the driver's smile shred off some of these awkwardness. This time, I've to do things really carefully or I could push my luck and smile off if I get into the wrong bus (or I could use a foreign accent where people may think that I'm a silly foreigner who is not familiar with Malaysia's public transport). I changed my destination to Kelana Jaya, which is in the right course and turned up sitting beside one of my classmates...which I dumped her waiting (I know I'm being rude, and I'm sorry) for another bus to One Utama, while I board on the train to Masjid Jamek  KLCC (Since I've got the whole weekend all to myself, why not pay KLCC a visit?) And, oh gosh....the journey was a long one. At least,  LRT is something that I'm really used to. 

You can know by the scent of Mexican Buns from Rotiboy the moment you step into Suria KLCC. Finally! Civilization! But apart from shopping, and browsing the shops, whereby the salesperson would harass your shopping privacy (the eerie feeling when the salesperson follows tightly on you while you're browsing the items) and also, your wallet. there's really nothing I could do in shopping centres. So, I spent 1 hour in the Petronas Gallery to stand and look at pictures (remember the Mr Bean's movie? XD where he sits and looks at paintings?). The gallery was exhibiting some great snapshots extracted from the Star newspaper, which some of them are really great.

“…Photography as I conceive it, well, it’s a drawing. Immediate sketch, done with intuition and you can’t correct it. If you have to correct it, it’s with the next picture. But life is very fluid; sometimes the pictures disappear, and there’s nothing you can do. You can’t tell the person, ‘Oh, please smile again. Do that gesture again.’ Life is once, forever and new all the time.” 

  ~Henri Cartier-Bresson 

Then I used the new link bridge to get to Pavilion. Then I had lunch...Ipoh Kuey Teow with chicked shreds. After that, I visited Starhill gallery. Ya' know...everything inside there is quite unique, expecially in the Feast floor. Here are some pictures that I've edited for a fresh impression from...you... Another thing is my phone's camera is only 5 MP : (not in particular order

 KLCC Ramlee Mall Entrance and Tea Lounge @ Starhill Gallery

 Pavilion Centre Court and Shops.

Lightings in Feast @ Starhill Gallery.

Unique design, Feast @ Starhill Gallery.

 The "Village Bar" entrance, Feast @ Starhill.

The Village Bar, Feast @ Starhill.

 Bamboo ornaments placed on the ceiling at the back entrance, Feast @ Starhill Gallery. 

 KLCC (edited and original)

 Suria KLCC shops enbounded by the logo and structure in Starhill Gallery.

"Don't leave me"  @ Starhill Gallery 
Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) head quarters @ Bukit Aman, Kuala Lumpur.

Then, I walked and walked in Lot 10 and I went home. One more thing, they upgraded the Hang Tuah LRT station which is attached to the Hang Tuah Monorail platform!

Evening jam.

Some more pictures and lemme know watcha think.

Ipoh new Dim Sum restaurant. 

Dataran Ipoh.
PDRM Bkt Aman, KL.

You figure it out.

I've no idea what is this.

Escalator goes up...I mean down....

Have you realized
how fast life is?
So, why run? XD

So, take a sip of tea and contemplate your past to sketch your present and understand the future. 

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