Friday 6 April 2012


Maybe I just had a heavy doze of "Calvin and Hobbes", where Calvin was so rebellious about studying, but he made a good point : Knowledge is paralyzing. With just 2 core subjects (Business Finance and Accounting) is enough to make my head slightly heavy. It's like I could feel more neurons are being made and inter-connected. Still, I don't feel smarter, because everyone else is still smarter than me.

English was a casual one. Not those kind that would leave you breathless while the teacher goes on and on like freight train with a break-neck speed. I'll get to that part later. English is still ok to me. It's more to ice-breaking for the first 2 weeks, like intro-you and your partner session, impromptu speaking etc. But, I must admit, that I'm pretty awkward when I'm dealing with a new environment and people. The good news (also the bad news) is, everybody speaks English with an interesting accent.

"Take out a piece of paper and give me the definition of an "organization"..."stakeholders" ..."3 Primary objectives of a business"..."4 Secondary Objectives"..."8 Objectives by Peter Drucker"....etc..." 
That's what happened and somehow got me thoughts going blank when the lecturer for Business & Finance came in for the 2nd lesson. See, how high the expectations are from the lecturer? Totally incompatible with my style of learning.  His lecture is totally an exhausting one, for the brain. At least there's a good thing, when he gives us a toilet break in between for 15 minutes. He is like Justin Hitchcock from Cecelia Ahern's "Thanks for the Memories", just that he has a neat hairstyle and is fairly fit. Something interesting about his add-ons : Victor Vroom's Expectancy , where F = V x E. Somehow, I think, everything involves Science! F is force of motivation, V stands for valence (how valuable is the outcome) while E represents the expectancy (probability of the effort will succeed).

Accounting is fairly OK. Still, it is a damn-whole-new subject to me, which, the teacher emphasizes a lot, I have to work harder and faster in order to match myself with those who has the basics from previous studies, eg SPM, A-levels. I have to get myself familiarized with new terms, eg realization value, historical value, Net Realizable Value etc... I doubt myself will I be able to prepare a Statement of Financial Position and Income Statement  in time. Afterall, I started with zero, compared to the others.

Maybe I should stop comparing myself and the rest, and start looking at the similarities we share. Back to prime prob : Ice breaking.... they are kinda hard to break when we don't have the right skills and tools.
So, refer this :

 oooo...look at what my Lumia could do with the pictures taken.

I won't give up by Jason Mraz

Life is just like juggling 5 balls when you're an adult. 2 are made of rubber which are "Wealth" and "Career", but the other 3 is made of glass which are "Health", "Religion" and "Family".
                                                                                                                    ~Kale Lau W.K.

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