Wednesday 25 January 2012

CNY 2012 : Shrink the Distance, Stretch the Time

Hey, who-ever-is-reading-this, Happy Chinese New Year...again.
In just a mere 2 days, my family and I went back to our hometown: Ipoh and Bagan Serai (Taiping) in Perak.
The laughter, the dialect that I couldn't comprehend, the language barrier that I would take years to break.
Though a Hokkien, I don't really speak or understand the dialect. Ok, maybe just a little. And, I regret it.
As a matter of fact, I do use quite some of those sign language.

2 days, 1 night, 2 hometowns, and a memory unforgettable.

Some roads. 

Some limitations, like time.

Some towns.

Some reunion.

Some families....just one big family.

Some light and some darkness.

Some hawkers and food.

Some traditions.

Some blessings.

Some history.

Some scenery and architectures.

Some ages of legacy.

I know that there are only one picture that has my family in it, 'cos mum gets mad when take pictures of people. Mum says I'll get slapped. 

I would like to blog more about stuffs going on around me, but again, time is a limiting factor. 
I'll be going back for PLKN aka National Service tomorrow. 
When I come back (around 17 Mar 12), I will share more interesting things.

Stay tuned. 

Monday 23 January 2012

CNY 2012 : Some Rememberance

Since I've came home from PLKN, many things have changed in me. Something that I can't control, something that is so obscure. So powerless. Like my aura being sucked out. So, mum gave me some "advice", and I didn't like it, but it's pretty true though. Who wants to be nagged on the 1st day of New Year?

Met Ruthresh at the Mines. After some much of "hide and seek", we finally found each other. Sharing stories in PLKN sounds interesting, in fact it's nothing. And, I got my Touch N Go back! Thanks, mate! XD And thanks fort the blended ice drink. 

Ruthresh brought me to see Noraini, who is working in Deli-France. Ken Lip, a classmate of mine is working in Kenny Rogers Roasters as well.

Then, Mum and Dad joined me and we went for lunch at San Francisco Pizza. Not many pictures taken. Mum is quite annoyed with cameras.
Capital Retail aka The Mines.

Hereby wishing you Gong Xi Fa Cai. BTW, many shops are closed as well.  

Bet you don't wanna see accidents from Final Destination, right?

Keep on smiling. 

Yea...I'm weird. We're great.

The outer look of the Mines. 

Quietness in Mines 2

You jump, I jump. Absolute silence. 

Some painting. 

Total dedication. 

you could see how great he is in making art. 

The people. 

Nice one! XD

Sunday 22 January 2012

CNY 2012 : Getting Warmed Up

After reading Lawrence Lessig's "Remix" (I give up on this book temporarily), I think I've made a mistake on this blog, which are the labels. Through the context, I realized that the labels or tags help readers to find what they are searching for. So, in this case, on what I've done, that categorizing my posts into some general labels is as good as nothing in easing readers to get what they want. Furthermore developing confusion and is a waste of time. Although,  just a few (maybe none) of you guys are reading this, but who cares. From this post onward, I'll label the posts with relevant and specific tags.

Ok. Some CNY happenings...basically, nothing. I arrived home on the 19th, and have around 1 week of holiday before I pay a visit back to hell..ermm...PLKN. Days on cleaning and mopping appear to be tougher than the days in PLKN, but alas, there's no place like home. Since then, this year's CNY mood seems to be slighter simple. CNY is a special occasion to all Chinese, and may the year of the Dragon fill our lives with joy, health and wealth. does get a little awkward and weird after 19 days not interacting with my parents. I can't communicate well anymore. This is bad.

By the way, I'm botak now, so I kinda look like a kid having cancer being treated with chemo.

Huat ar!!!

Light up the tradition. 

Some fireworks. 

A shadow: Darkness in yourself yet surrounded by light. 

19 Day in PLKN

Ok, This is officially my first post this year, despite the actual first one is on PLKN aka National Service.

First, Happy New Year, and Happy Chinese New Year. May the year of the Dragon doubles you the happiness, health and wealth.

National Service. It's really weird. I've been attending quite a few of camps in Secondary School and my impression is still that our school camps do better than the camp. For 3 days we, who report to the camp on 1.1.11, waited and slept for the others to come, from Johor, Port Dickson, Jempol, Paroi and Putrajaya. Gosh... the weather is smoking hot in the noon, but keeps you tucked in your blanket in the morning. K, don't get me wrong, don't think that I'm a sissy little weirdo that goes mushy in tough conditions. But, as all people do, we develop some sort of "sentimental moments" as time goes on, especially when you found yourself living with people from different backgrounds and monkeys in the middle of the jungle, or at least surrounded by a cow farm, duck farm, rubber and oil palm plantation.

The male campers are known as the Wira aka Hero, while Wirawati aka Heroin for the female campers. Everyone is assigned to 4 different companies, respectively Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta. There are about 100 campers (boys and girls) in one company, which sums up to app. 400 campers in this camp. At first I was assigned to Delta company, then Bravo.

It took me quite some time to fit in the mould of the culture of the camp, specifically getting along with other races. Their slang and thoughts and niche are so different. Then it goes the same with them dealing with people like me. Majority are Malays, followed by Chinese, then Indians. Therefore, it is crucial to have a tight grasp in communicating, to facilitate understanding. One thing that caught my interest that laughing at others and teasing others is not a form of critic or negative behaviour. It's just for fun. So, I don't really get comfortable with teases. Eventually, I smile myself through.

And, sure, I met some great people in the camp as well. Picture this:
Ah Wai (the person who drew and painted the flag), Junior Hew, Philip Yong, TK Teoh, and me (the person that didn't contribute anything) with the company flag : Helang Merah. 

Some failures

Thursday 19 January 2012

19 Days PLKN

Hey guys.
I know that I've not been updating this blog for like 19 days.
I know that you don't know that I've been spending the last 19 days in Kem PLKN Titian Bintangor, Negeri Sembilan.

Here's a brief : ( I'll give/post more specific information regarding my life in National Service)

PLKN Day 1 : The 2nd camper who got cut botak, afterReveniant Goh. Felt like a kid suffering from cancer being treated with Chemo.

PLKN Day 2 : The voice that throws you out from the bed. Your alarm clock is now a cockerel.

PLKN Day 3 : Changed company from Delta to Bravo.

PLKN Day 4 : The Modul Pembinaan Karekter (Character Building Class) is now an adult kindergarten.

PLKN Day 5 : Get to see some interesting Christian peeps. In the group are Reveniant Goh, Charisse Ng, Annabelle Chong Chong.

PLKN Day 6 : Ice cream for lunch! "Pakai cara P. Ramlee, Cuci basuh P. Ramlee"

PLKN Day 7 : Effective hours in a week : 33 hours. Others are basically nothing.

PLKN Day 8 : Shirt and towel got stolen. Went to church.
"Hurt me for what that hurts you." 

PLKN Day 9 : Taught on how to make your bed. 

PLKN Day 10 : An exercise session that doesn't make you sweat. People are so keen on "sorak-ing" cheered and banged chairs on the table. How interesting. XD

PLKN Day 11 : I "joget" in class. Jammed music with some Christian friends. Better known as sound pollution.

PLKN Day 12 : Attended Buddha class. Wow, what a weird semi-Christian I am. Teoh, another roommate slept with me on the same bed, just to stay up and see for the "ghost" (there's been rumors)

PLKN Day 13 : During the photo session, it rained. Entered pencalonan ahli peringkat Kem.

PLKN Day 14 : Ceramah by Angkatan Tentera Malaysia on Uni. Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. And, I set fire to the rain, by giving a speech for the election for ahli peringkat Kem. In front of over 400 peeps, wow.

PLKN Day 15 : Woke up late. Slept in the church service. I'm sorry.

PLKN Day 16 : A sports game that squeezes you with the other boys, making you a sardine in a can, as well as being gay.

PLKN Day 17 : Stacked UNO cards. 7 levels!

PLKN Day 18 : Spot check on dorm. Like being struck by a tornado, except a few of us. Announcement on the election, I lost to 2 Maktab Tentera Diraja peeps. Still, I lost. The fire is the rain.

PLKN Day 19 (today) : I'm coming home!

Bored? Gimme another chance...

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