Thursday 19 January 2012

19 Days PLKN

Hey guys.
I know that I've not been updating this blog for like 19 days.
I know that you don't know that I've been spending the last 19 days in Kem PLKN Titian Bintangor, Negeri Sembilan.

Here's a brief : ( I'll give/post more specific information regarding my life in National Service)

PLKN Day 1 : The 2nd camper who got cut botak, afterReveniant Goh. Felt like a kid suffering from cancer being treated with Chemo.

PLKN Day 2 : The voice that throws you out from the bed. Your alarm clock is now a cockerel.

PLKN Day 3 : Changed company from Delta to Bravo.

PLKN Day 4 : The Modul Pembinaan Karekter (Character Building Class) is now an adult kindergarten.

PLKN Day 5 : Get to see some interesting Christian peeps. In the group are Reveniant Goh, Charisse Ng, Annabelle Chong Chong.

PLKN Day 6 : Ice cream for lunch! "Pakai cara P. Ramlee, Cuci basuh P. Ramlee"

PLKN Day 7 : Effective hours in a week : 33 hours. Others are basically nothing.

PLKN Day 8 : Shirt and towel got stolen. Went to church.
"Hurt me for what that hurts you." 

PLKN Day 9 : Taught on how to make your bed. 

PLKN Day 10 : An exercise session that doesn't make you sweat. People are so keen on "sorak-ing" cheered and banged chairs on the table. How interesting. XD

PLKN Day 11 : I "joget" in class. Jammed music with some Christian friends. Better known as sound pollution.

PLKN Day 12 : Attended Buddha class. Wow, what a weird semi-Christian I am. Teoh, another roommate slept with me on the same bed, just to stay up and see for the "ghost" (there's been rumors)

PLKN Day 13 : During the photo session, it rained. Entered pencalonan ahli peringkat Kem.

PLKN Day 14 : Ceramah by Angkatan Tentera Malaysia on Uni. Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. And, I set fire to the rain, by giving a speech for the election for ahli peringkat Kem. In front of over 400 peeps, wow.

PLKN Day 15 : Woke up late. Slept in the church service. I'm sorry.

PLKN Day 16 : A sports game that squeezes you with the other boys, making you a sardine in a can, as well as being gay.

PLKN Day 17 : Stacked UNO cards. 7 levels!

PLKN Day 18 : Spot check on dorm. Like being struck by a tornado, except a few of us. Announcement on the election, I lost to 2 Maktab Tentera Diraja peeps. Still, I lost. The fire is the rain.

PLKN Day 19 (today) : I'm coming home!

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