Sunday 22 January 2012

CNY 2012 : Getting Warmed Up

After reading Lawrence Lessig's "Remix" (I give up on this book temporarily), I think I've made a mistake on this blog, which are the labels. Through the context, I realized that the labels or tags help readers to find what they are searching for. So, in this case, on what I've done, that categorizing my posts into some general labels is as good as nothing in easing readers to get what they want. Furthermore developing confusion and is a waste of time. Although,  just a few (maybe none) of you guys are reading this, but who cares. From this post onward, I'll label the posts with relevant and specific tags.

Ok. Some CNY happenings...basically, nothing. I arrived home on the 19th, and have around 1 week of holiday before I pay a visit back to hell..ermm...PLKN. Days on cleaning and mopping appear to be tougher than the days in PLKN, but alas, there's no place like home. Since then, this year's CNY mood seems to be slighter simple. CNY is a special occasion to all Chinese, and may the year of the Dragon fill our lives with joy, health and wealth. does get a little awkward and weird after 19 days not interacting with my parents. I can't communicate well anymore. This is bad.

By the way, I'm botak now, so I kinda look like a kid having cancer being treated with chemo.

Huat ar!!!

Light up the tradition. 

Some fireworks. 

A shadow: Darkness in yourself yet surrounded by light. 

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