Sunday 22 January 2012

19 Day in PLKN

Ok, This is officially my first post this year, despite the actual first one is on PLKN aka National Service.

First, Happy New Year, and Happy Chinese New Year. May the year of the Dragon doubles you the happiness, health and wealth.

National Service. It's really weird. I've been attending quite a few of camps in Secondary School and my impression is still that our school camps do better than the camp. For 3 days we, who report to the camp on 1.1.11, waited and slept for the others to come, from Johor, Port Dickson, Jempol, Paroi and Putrajaya. Gosh... the weather is smoking hot in the noon, but keeps you tucked in your blanket in the morning. K, don't get me wrong, don't think that I'm a sissy little weirdo that goes mushy in tough conditions. But, as all people do, we develop some sort of "sentimental moments" as time goes on, especially when you found yourself living with people from different backgrounds and monkeys in the middle of the jungle, or at least surrounded by a cow farm, duck farm, rubber and oil palm plantation.

The male campers are known as the Wira aka Hero, while Wirawati aka Heroin for the female campers. Everyone is assigned to 4 different companies, respectively Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta. There are about 100 campers (boys and girls) in one company, which sums up to app. 400 campers in this camp. At first I was assigned to Delta company, then Bravo.

It took me quite some time to fit in the mould of the culture of the camp, specifically getting along with other races. Their slang and thoughts and niche are so different. Then it goes the same with them dealing with people like me. Majority are Malays, followed by Chinese, then Indians. Therefore, it is crucial to have a tight grasp in communicating, to facilitate understanding. One thing that caught my interest that laughing at others and teasing others is not a form of critic or negative behaviour. It's just for fun. So, I don't really get comfortable with teases. Eventually, I smile myself through.

And, sure, I met some great people in the camp as well. Picture this:
Ah Wai (the person who drew and painted the flag), Junior Hew, Philip Yong, TK Teoh, and me (the person that didn't contribute anything) with the company flag : Helang Merah. 

Some failures

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