Monday 23 January 2012

CNY 2012 : Some Rememberance

Since I've came home from PLKN, many things have changed in me. Something that I can't control, something that is so obscure. So powerless. Like my aura being sucked out. So, mum gave me some "advice", and I didn't like it, but it's pretty true though. Who wants to be nagged on the 1st day of New Year?

Met Ruthresh at the Mines. After some much of "hide and seek", we finally found each other. Sharing stories in PLKN sounds interesting, in fact it's nothing. And, I got my Touch N Go back! Thanks, mate! XD And thanks fort the blended ice drink. 

Ruthresh brought me to see Noraini, who is working in Deli-France. Ken Lip, a classmate of mine is working in Kenny Rogers Roasters as well.

Then, Mum and Dad joined me and we went for lunch at San Francisco Pizza. Not many pictures taken. Mum is quite annoyed with cameras.
Capital Retail aka The Mines.

Hereby wishing you Gong Xi Fa Cai. BTW, many shops are closed as well.  

Bet you don't wanna see accidents from Final Destination, right?

Keep on smiling. 

Yea...I'm weird. We're great.

The outer look of the Mines. 

Quietness in Mines 2

You jump, I jump. Absolute silence. 

Some painting. 

Total dedication. 

you could see how great he is in making art. 

The people. 

Nice one! XD

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