Monday 18 June 2012

19/6 KL : a mild breath

I have no idea what the title is all about.

so, today dad acompanied me to visit KL....2nd time of the year. and, it didn't go relly that sort of being utilized...but hey, that's a different way of exploring a city. following the pace of  an adult along with some nagging 'bout that RM10 incident. I know that the post 'bout that event is kinda blurry and not specific enough...but that's what you should know. and, what you might not know, is the reason i gave the black a RM10. it is not that i was being conned. i saw through his intention which therefore does not fit the definition of being conned or cheated, which the person is totally unaware of what is actually happening. the RM10 note was more like a sacrifice in order to get rid  of him. 

ok, back to the topic of the day. we had lunch at Soong Kee restaurant whose beef ball mee is famous in KL. the serving was a filling one and they really tasted pretty good. the noodles are smoother and less entangled which the sauce and minced meat could get along well. the meat ball tasted like what balls should taste like, where it is bouncy but you could feel a crisp when you lay your fangs into the ball. 

Soong Kee Restaurant with unknown uncle. 

Then, we had a stroll throught the streets of Masjid Jamek to Pasar Seni. 

Pasar Seni is a colorful place where traditional souvenirs could be found. A cultural heritage not being engulfed by the competence of foreigners and brutal slays of modernization.

Pasar Seni Chinese Street.  

You could find art and inspiration of any form, whether it could from the papers, the people, or the ambiance.

A display of oil paintings and portraits behind Pasar Seni.

Paintings of all (at least tourists') cups of tea. 

From the lighting till the tiles, can you smell the scent of the old days? 
*neh, i'm just being poetic*

here's dad's sunglasses with the reflection of the railway track. It's not clear, i know.  

KLCC Centre Court and Harley Davidson bike

We arrived at KLCC. 

then to Pavilion. 
Don't tell me this is like a gateway to Hogwarts. 
@ Food Republic, Pavilion. 

Food Republic, Pavilion.

Ok, the dragon ain't that clear afterall....@Dragon-I, Pavilion

Stopped by at Starhill Gallery:

Starhill Gallery entrance and numbers on the ceiling. (yes, it's a ceiling)

I think I've taken this pic before. 

Through the walkways in the building. 

I can't make up my mind whether to call this building a gallery or a mall or something else. The artistic features and elegant design gives the impression like no other. It somehow makes you feel that you're shopping (if you are) or enjoying life in a gallery. 

The centre court at the Feast level. 

Indulge, Adorn, Explore, Pamper, Relish and Muse yourself, but don't Feast yourself.  

It's pretty quiet and peaceful here. 

The piano at the centre court

Vietnamese cuisine


A cluster of LED lighting?

Even the escalators look unique. 

Ya...i posted this pic too...but it is taken again. 

is it a wine glass?

the entrance from Starhill Gallery to Marriott Hotel. *blur*

Flowers dipped in blue liquid.

Red branches.

I guess there's nothing much for me say in this post. 

Any suggestion for me to make this holiday a meaningful one?  

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