Wednesday 6 June 2012

A RM10 Lesson

Hello whoeva' you are...

ok. Yesterday was kinda weird to me...lucky at some sort still. So, here's the story...
ermmm...I hate to admit this, but I think I've got cheated.

I was having a morning class in college and we had a 10 minute "toilet break" during the session. After finishing my business from the toilet, a black guy apporoached me while I was on my way back to class. He asked me how could he get to Sunway Pyramid, which the 10-minute-canopy-walk was just beside of him. I responded and planned to TELL him the way, but instead he started out a conversation on Christianity and, (unfortunately) we talked through the canopy walk.

He is a black..I mean Nigerian black wearing a white robe. Speaks quite good English. Claimed that he studies Business Administration. Currently living in Sun-U Residence. Family lives in Toronto, Canada. Very rich and owns a sports car. He is supposed to go back home to visit his mother who had Malaria. His sports car broke down and is planning to get a plane ticket to Johor Bahru in order to catch his flight to Singapore, then from Singapore to Abu Dhabi and finally to Toronto. His flight to Sinapore is on 1335 and he needs a plane ticket to reach Johor on time. Unfortunately, he has no money to buy that ticket, which is about RM380.

I guess you know what his intention is.     Money!

Since I should've seen through and avoided such incident, but it was still a pretty good lesson and a very good conversation (I must admit that, esp. when he came to the topic 'bout Christianity and calling me Bloodah (Brother)).

Before I move on...there's some homework that he should have done:
1) He is Canadian, with a (like an African) traditional robe on.
What the heck a "Canadian" is doing here studying in Malaysia, furthermore Sunway University, while their own country provides better education?

2) Mum having Malaria.
It is quite rare to have Malaria in a upper western country like Canada. Malaria normally spreads in tropical countries.

3) Flight from Johor to Singapore.
Hello!!! Sinagpore is like a few kilometers away...

He even asked whether do I have a bank account.'re crossing the line.

I know...I know...I shouldn't have walked with him at the first place.

Finally, to end this mess, I gave him RM10....

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