Saturday 16 June 2012

E-exam : Accounting

finally, the last paper of the semester. well, there's only 2 subjects, but they are lethal and fatal. i hoped that somehow my results will be ok. i'm not really bright in accounting, nor am i really interested or fascinated by numbers. i just don't speak their language which are dollars and cents. ya' see, money isn't everything, but they're just something that must fill your pocket wherever you are.

right, back to the exam. i didn't really study that hard. there were 'bout 10 questions that i didn't know how to do. let's just hope that i'll pass this exam. but, definitely i've put more time in this subject compared to business. oh...did i mention that i've got fever last sunday, the day before i had my business exam. also, i passed my business with 72. next time, i just have to work harder.

let's toss those pens and papers, books and notes. holiday, here i come. ohh....great. I need to get my driving license. this semester was kinda hectic till the extend that i've to put the driving lessons aside. well, it's not totally my fault. the driving teacher didn't get to finish what i'm supposed to learn.

i seriously need a holiday. i mean, not just stay-in-the-home-do-nothing-holidays, but a vacation.
i haven't been visiting places for the whole year, except hometowns and KL. i've not went out from malaysia since form 2! ohh is expensive, isn't it?

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