Saturday 9 June 2012

E-exam : Business & Finance


ok, here's a few words...

the exam is totally different from what we expected nor they had any resemblance from the question bank. it was different... but not too bad. i think i'll pass. but that's merely a guess. so, it would definitely be tougher for accounting now. i've not yet, in my life, ever (ok, maybe i don't study that much) studied a book that many times and however, having so many uncertainties while going through the questions.

hope that accounting would make my life simpler, but definitely by killing me. i would not like to see my holiday of 2 weeks being dragged down by depression and more books. in fact, i've to get my p-license for driving during the holidays. so, gentle, kay?

besides luck, guess that i'll needing something more: instinct.

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