Wednesday 18 July 2012

CFAB eXchange

Hello... I know I've not been  doing this for a while, and there're some catching up with my life events of these past few weeks. Frankly speaking, there're several more happenings that I'd blog about, aside from the big ones, like CFAB eXchange and MSLS 2012. But I'll focus on these 2....first. But, I've to say this, that I wasn't playing an important role in these events.

CFAB eXchange.
I suppose I've blogged about it, but was not a complete one, apparently. here we go again.

CFAB eXchange is basically a platform in promoting the CFAB program to secondary students, as many are not well informed about it. the CFAB eXchange program was held in conjunction with ICAEW Malaysia on the 7 July, 2012.
Prior to this, to become a Chartered Accountant of ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales) requires you to obtain at least an outstanding degree. CFAB (Certificate in Finance, Accounting and Business) is an alternative route to the prestigious ICAEW after SPM. Through the CFAB route, you'll not only be exposed to tough examinations but also the soft skills training as well as the work based learning which fully completes the course.
It was a 600-people-event, and everything must be perfect. The team packed the 600 goodie bags and re-checked dedication... We were to arrive before 6am on that day, and my parents really got pretty furious about this. I went through a hard time negotiating the right to me, the time was not reasonable either, esp when our house is quite a distance from Sunway.

So, I arrived late on that day and I was the only one who arrived late... but was not late for my duties.
Ushering sounds pretty cool, but in fact, what it requires is you to stand on the staircase of the 3rd floor to direct the students up to the Multi Purpose Hall, by saying enthusiastically "Hi Welcome! Please proceed to Level 4. Thank you very much!!" I lasted for about 2 hours and I had nothing much to do and started talking to myself.

Then we stood and helped around with the preparation of meals...4 meals... the interesting part was when they tried to bring the packed food from the cafeteria up to the hall. Trolleys were used...but ya' know, there're lots of food and hence, lots of trolley trips need to be made. Some suggested in bringing the food on the table, but do you have any idea how heavy and bulky it'd be. Plus, the lift won't fit such long table and hence, you have to use the stairs. And here's something, deciding whether to put more weightage of food on the upper or lower compartment of the trolley. Reuben and I came up with different perceptions.
Reuben: Put the food down there to make the centre of gravity lower.
Me: Put the food up here, because vibration is greater down there. Plus, you should put things which your hands are near enough to control them.

i'm sorry I couldn't recall everything....after 12 days. And, my english suckz, I know.

There were lots of talks and I didn't pay quite much attention to them.
But I did enjoyed Joel and Jessica's performance. Joel played the guitar and both of em sang 5 songs (mash-up).

And then, it was out turn for Flash-Mob. It was really a simple one: Chicken Dance (not again!!!) and Macarena.

After that, it was the Xlimpiad...or something that sounds like that. It was a 50 question quiz. I was the facilitator for a group, while other facilitators were handling 3 groups, which made my job pretty easy. With some assistance and "facilitating", my group got the 1st. Hehe...

I ushered them down the stairs after that and went back home. oh...and before that I couldn't access my bag which was locked in a damn room. Asked and asked around for the keys.... and waited outside with the others and finally....I got to go home...

I know my hair looks weird and was not even smiling....

If any of you would like to know more about CFAB, pls do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you....(blah blah blah)

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