Tuesday 10 July 2012

FLORIA Putrajaya 2012

Hello whoeva that is reading this. This is not a really interesting post. But if you're one of those mother nature lovers or, you might wanna check out the pictures below. I don't quite really know the name of the flowers...

A white hibiscus...with a little yellow.

A combo pic.

The theme of FLORIA 2012 : Bougainvillea...Enduring Beauty. Well, in my perspective, I don't really see the significant beauty and attraction of the bougainvillea flower (Bunga kertas)...which I believe most people think like I do. You tend to see more of other flowers, esp orchids. 

ermm...i forgot its name.. But if you have good memory, you should be able to recall it, where we learnt   it in Primary schools.

No idea what's the name either

Ooo..they also have a floating stage with the Wawasan Bridge posing as the background. It'd be more colourful at night.

This is Perdana Putra

Perdana Putra 

Bonsai...it's not big....it's in a pot...

If I die young, lay me down on a bed of roses....

bees would like these..

and the cocky urban boy....

Orchid (white)





Flower (not really that pretty)



Putrajaya Mosque

Whheew...it's pretty hot in Putrajaya...that's enough sweat and driving today, I guess. 
And, I've got my P License!

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