Tuesday 31 July 2012

Debate Assignment

Wasssup yo ladies and gentlemen. so basically our class had a debate for our assignment. The topics were pretty interesting:

  •  i-pad is i-pod touch on steroid, 
  • downloading music without permission is a form of theft and is immoral, 
  • women make better bosses, 
  • HIV positive employers should tell their employers of their status, 
  • prospective employers have no business poking on the applicants profile in social networking site (that's my topic!!)  

Maybe I should get used to some formalities in speeches, 'cause I can't even say the greeting part right...which went like this:

I know...I know...it was hilarious. Good thing was the only person laughing was Ms Catherine. But after that, I managed to gain some momentum. I don't know 'bout you, but to me, momentum is fluency. And, unless I'm really hyper, which is quite rare in me, I could master both fluency and the emphasis during a speech. But, for now, fluency should be enough, minus some cursing during the speech. ehh-hem, pardon me. 

There's one 'bout me, I don't really prepare a script. I'll just blurt everything out based on some notes I've scribble. And one more thing 'bout me, if I got stunted, it's quite a possibility that I can't recognise my own handwriting...and they're getting messier by day, like an art piece drawn by the elephants in Thailand. 

Since we were the 2nd group, you can't expect more interesting stuff to happen than to the groups after us. I must admit that show got better and better. 


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