Sunday 1 July 2012


Sunway TES's CFAB students will be having an exchange session with students of secondary schools and so far, there've been like about 600 students attending. 

At first, I thought this is gonna sound kinda fun. But then, the process itself is pretty complicated. Maybe it's just me making the whole situation complicated. First, we were required to attend a meeting on a Sunday. Well, I didn't go and I have my reasons, which were from my parents. I wasn't given adequate time to arrange my schedule for the meeting. It takes about 30 min to get to college. Venue and when does the meeting end were not specified until that day. and 3rd, the meeting was on a Sunday. 

I really salute the committees and people striving to make this activity a blast. But, it is just not the way how I (we) handled things back at secondary school. 

Then, to redeem for not attending the meeting, I decided to help out at the registration part. Then, the Head asked me whether do I have or could I borrow a i-Pad or i-Phone as the registration only supports Apple product.    I was pretty amazed by how far technology has leaped, but seriously? Why can't they do something that normal people do? I do not have a Apple device and borrowing one is kinda impossible. Come's a pricey tech product that contains personal info. What makes you think that people would lend you just like that? Should I remid you once again that not everybody owns an Apple product. And if it is the condition, perhaps you should make yourself clear upon recruiting minions.

Blame it on me if I don't cope well or if I don't understand how the system work. 

I'm trying to help out here and be a part of you guys....but are we really that different? 

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