Tuesday 31 July 2012

For the sake of US

I came across Noel's blog on the Annual General Meeting of the Prefectorial Board, 2012. Although I've retired from the board, but there's still something tingling my mind...some significant enough to haunt me. There were some events that left me some pretty nasty scars...a couple years back then....

This is probably the most important lesson ever learnt. This is a story on how a boy learnt to be humble. This is about my prefect life. Also, some nasty secrets.
(as far I've recalled, I didn't tell much about my past as a prefect, as it may be sensitive to some parties)

Back then in Form 1, I was a bloody little immature boy that had no idea what real life is about and worse, had no idea where the school toilet was. I was the first one to attend the interview for a prefect post. Indirectly, this made me the oldest of my batch. I was assigned to a step-brother (a senior), Hoi Fong. I did my duty as prettily as possible. Together with friends, Kok Yee, Arull (yes, they joined prefects the year I did), and the rest of us of the same age, we performed our duty as prettily as possible.

Wen Xin, Wan Er and Gin Nen were the heads of the afternoon session board. There were some sort of politics between them which I have no idea what were they. I never realised that things like this happened to me after that.

He and quite a few joined during the year's 2nd intake.
I was chosen as a candidate of the head prefect together with a few...and after months of probation, I did it.

I told Ruthresh that he'd be the assistant head prefect.
Hey Ruthresh. I know what I've said before. And I'm sorry for some promises that I can't keep. 

I didn't know how the organisation worked and things didn't end there.

In form 2, I persuaded Ting Meau, Yi Fai, Kek Leong, Bryan to join the board. And so they did.

That year was not a really strong year for both me and Arun (he's the head prefect for the morning session). But, Arun was the only person there who helped me out while I was beaten by over 60 people when trying to settle a "gathering" beside the toilet. Wei Huen, the assistant head prefect looked out for me, too.

I thought I was capable in handling stuffs. I thought it was all about the students' discipline. But, it was beyond that. I thought I could make a difference. But there's something called "synergy" and it couldn't be done by only one person. He was the secretary that year and which we all knew he is an important person during a meeting. He didn't turn up to quite a few of the meetings, which then I helped him to type the report under his name. All he need to do is to sign and send the report to the teacher for approval.

Then, I messed up. I messed up big time right at the first place I was in that position. I was too busy on the students, till I did not realised the existence of Pn Lim, our prefectorial board teacher. There were quite some times that I crossed "the line", like staying back for meetings after the assembly etc. That kinda annoyed her, I guess. He and his gang were pretty close with Pn Lim. At least, he could have gave me some advice, right? He knew there was something going wrong and remained silence. I recalled on what his friend (which is my friend, too) said to me that he'd give me support....well just because I was STILL the head prefect.
Back-stabbing? You know I don't like that.

So, things started to become unsustainable. And, I was too late to make any moves. I was stuck. My mum asked me to resign. And so I did. There's nothing worth fighting for...or so I thought that there were nothing to fight for.

You must understand the fact that I had no problem managing the board, just the teacher and her people. And, what are the purposes having a teacher when you don't guide the lost? Expecting the lost would be able to find his way to you? And, of course, then I screwed up.

It was a rainy day when Pn Lim announced him as the new head prefect. Magan and I walked back to class. He looked at me, I forced myself a smile, to ensure everything's fine. Yes, everything's fine now for everyone. Though it didn't end with a happily ever after, but that's how the year went by. I still have my friends, at least. Then, from a boy that thought he could manage things (some say confident), I changed into a quiet personality...and afraid of making mistakes.
Pretending that everything is ok is definitely not ok. 

In Form 3, I wasn't expecting much. My friends were there support me for the Pen. K. Disiplin. The post has the highest chances of becoming the head prefect. Because he went for it, hence I didn't. I settled down at a post just behind him, Pen K Kumpulan A. But, there's a huge gap between these 2 posts.
Imagine if there were to be a vote between us 2? I rather play safe. 

I didn't care that much. I focused on my responsibilities, seriously hard core. My temper was seriously nasty and didn't smile much. Most of the students dislike me, but it worked. By the end of the year, I was pretty convinced that I did my job pretty well. Well, so did he, but in a totally different approach : optimism.

Form 4 was a smooth year. Nothing much happened. Things get more stable now. Our thoughts were more mature. It was this time that they need a successor for the head prefect. Before that, we had an agreement on that we stick to our own supposed-to-be-posts. While some didn't, they got chosen. They were the ones who attended the interview and succeeded.

During the AGM, I was elected as Ketua Kumpulan A directly without voting.

As normal stories would go...with a higher authority, the higher your ego might be. I was then challenged. I was then degraded because what I was before is not what I am now. I remembered Ting Meau said to me that once he was a normal prefect, but now he is the assistant head prefect, a post higher than me. Of course I couldn't react negatively towards that, for it may break our brotherhood. His ego grew. I know I can't whistle. I know my writing is not as good as yours.

Want to know a fact? The reason you're in that post is that I didn't go for it. And you bragged to me about it? 

I know.
I know my limitations.

But, please...you know the boundaries.

I'd like to apologise on the content posted, but this is how I viewed things. I have no such intention on hurting or offending anybody. I must admit that the journey we have gone through was priceless. And I thank you for that.

Solid: Hard enough to hold its weight

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