Thursday 29 September 2011

This is Ruthresh (not Sparta)

 To me, he's the awesome mixture of Adam Sandler & Rowan Atkinson. Most of all, he's still himself.
 Sorry, mate!
 & cheers.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Pix around home

Think that my area is piece of slump? Think again...

The night's not bad at all.

Bonus view of KLCC 

 It's grass, to those who lived in the city too long.

Simply magnificent

No 9/11 here. Peace!

cloud 1 (I can't figure out anymore captions!)

cloud 2

 cloud 3

Tuesday 27 September 2011



Noun: The appointment of friends and associates to positions of authority, without proper regard to their qualifications.  More »

warning:: It's a pretty cliche post down here:

Overheard this word the other day, although I'm not part of the conversation, pardon me for having such sharp ears. And, this term, unfortunately aroused my unsatisfactory on nowadays people, and you might be one of them! (Can't take a joke? XDXD) When I look around myself, yes, brotherhood and whatever PR skills are just bloody essential into giving a leap from where-you-are to where-you-want-to-go. Again, forgive me for being such shallow-minded, but as if the qualification that you possess turned out to be a trend running out of fashion. The art of pleasing is the new "qualification" now,

Or should I say, it's just human nature that we never should have turn against to?

Beyond cronyism:
I've seen sweet-talkers that really got me so damn hooked up, too. You certainly have no idea that you are falling for it. Just when you realized, you're torn to the ground, everything of you all fully sucked up, powerless to get up, and no one pays attention. It took me some while to heal, to get up, but never dared to stand and soar high. "The higher I climb, the greater I fall", I mean it's not that I can't, just that I don't want to. I don't need twice to learn by enduring pain. Instead, I observe and I learn, though as not effective as T.A. Edison's hands-on.  

The 1st POV:
They (people that are crony (a croniac?) have to be crony because they can't stand loneliness, that's my theory. It's much easier to work with friends or with anybody that you've known for quite some time, as you expect things would get on track sooner. Yet, you're missing out a bunch of great potential partners down there. They are new and fresh and full of pulp and of course, there are worse as well. So, Croniacs do not have the guts to choose their partners and that's merely the beginning to the great adventure. 

The 2nd POV:
They mould their friends to be crony, because they aren't good as the Croniacs. Instead of becoming enemies, they become a friend of yours, slowly they earn your trust and manipulate you according to their wish. The contradicting part: Since the croniacs are better than the rest, then how could the unqualified "enemies/friends" manipulate him?

Add caption

Monday 26 September 2011


you thought it's really a blank post, didn't you?
Well, the above space is enough to fit my brain's knowledge in...
and it is supposed to be full of knowledge, right?
Well, only smart people can decipher 'em....


Well, actually only stupid people will come up with this lie....

That's terribly rude of me, let me educate you with the word of the day, just in case. 


Noun: stupid person (often used as a term of address): "you're not a coward, stupid!".
Adjective: Lacking intelligence or common sense.  

If you're smart enough (the term "smart" is the opposite of "stupid"), you would highlight the above sentences using the mouse cursor. Otherwise, I strongly suggest you do, and preferred not to be labelled as one of them.
thank you. (it's only a  joke, kay?
By the way, here's an awesome post from another person from Oxford: jOke)

And...I don't think I'm that stupid anymore!!! 
A whoopin' 75% for my Additional Maths? 
"I've shown improvement in numbers", and this theory is about to come true after sitting for my Physics exam. Just in case it failed, I don't deserve a "boo" from you, as Edison's quotes said: 

Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. 
 I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. 
hoping for a straight A's this trial. Yes, it is tough, much painful than Johnny English pulling a rock using his, you know, watch the trailer. Hilarious!!

Soon, after I finish my second trial, (yes, there's a second trial exam coming soon) I am going to enjoy some popcorn while having my eyes stuck on the cinema screen. 

Soon after soon (after my SPM), my arse and the couch will unite as one, while my brain is about to shrink into the size of a potato, watching the following movies!

Ohh yeah!!! Tom is back proving that impossible is nothing!

Sherlock Holmes and his partner Watson takes on Dr. Moriarty in the Game of Shadows

The King of shadow's is back...and will be the last?

and might consider
Twilight: Breaking Dawn....hmmm....the first 2 got my dad fell asleep.
But the 3rd one left me satisfied with Victoria's death.
However, I can't stand the conflicts between the 2 bloody and bloodless men. 

Wednesday 21 September 2011

OHhhh!! shhhh......nevermind

Its been like a week I didn't I update this thing....
This thing, in the only way "out" to this case, I mean the
window to toss all those bloody and "fireworky" things building up in my...erm...soul.

thanks!!! mum!!!! for killing my mood to prepare for tomorrow's exam....
don't expect was you who started everything....
you think I don't have problems like you???

You heard a parent (a mum) scolding her grandson, words that are so painful to my ears....
the grandson was crying his eyeballs out from the socket... metaphor*
yet the mum showed no sign of "retreat"/"being soft" on him, and continue charging at him
and my mum *like a warning sign* said to me:
You should be lucky I did not treat you like that.
You don't like me nagging.
Of course you want me to treat you like that, right?
because you never got scolded and beaten before.
I'm sorry, mum... but it really hurts.....a part of me just died.....
here's my a diary.....
don't let your mouth be your only way out....
as your mouth only leads you deeper....
(that's why people memorize things by speaking out!!!!)

You continued:  You think you're very good? you're only 60% good....
Oohhh!!!! Jeeezzz!!! you're judging me now???? In fact , nobody's perfect.....
have you ever wondered if I was the one giving marks on you????

I know you're an educator...and your mouth is way crucial in your life.
Since your mouth is so important,  why not keep it for the important stuffs, and minimize those spams?
Spams are just like nagging....nobody likes 'em....except you're a lame guy....

I can nag the whole way through this page until there's no more space for me too type (if that's possible)!
But, I 've got important things that I should focus on.....

If you ever feel too stressed up? Just pay attention at one thing at one time....
It won't help when you're doing house chores and releasing frustrations 'bout your work.....
Instead, you're just spreading anxiety.....


Wednesday 14 September 2011

Trials... here I am...still holding on....every time I see for another paper, it's just harder to believe,
and harder to breathe,
I suffocate, You examiners think that we're Superman? Heck! it's impossible that you're Lois Lane!

Okay...ignore that...that's just a combo of "no boundaries", "harder to breathe" and "Love the way you lie".

So far....I think I've made some improvements.....
hope so....

The papers get tougher and tougher by the day....
BM (fine for me),
BI (not bad),
Maths (ohh...mistakes),
 History ('s Tuan Abdul Hamid...who the heck knows!),
Moral (36 values, 36 definitions, 2 different formats, 1 paper, 2.5 hours) ,
 Add. Maths (Damn it!!! *running nuts*)

2 Sciences next week....3 papers!!

and instead facing textbook facts and reality facts that I can't compete with the others,
I'm facing this bloody screen....

plugs off cable.....

Sunday 11 September 2011

10/9/11 KL Moon walking + VolksWagen show

Actually, the title's a little inappropriate....because I went to KL in the afternoon...
The KL Chinese Assembly Hall in partnership whit the Ministry of Tourism held the 1Malaysia Tanglung Tourism Festival....I arrived around 5.40 pm...whereby the whole area (Pasar Seni) was already crowded.
The celebration was officiated by YAB Najib...and there were free Tanglung (lanterns) and goodie bags to be distributed! At night, there was a parade around Chinatown. And, I met a friend as well, who was on St John duty. 

Riddles...(if that's what people call 'em)

Games....(guess what? the prizes normally are Angry Birds!)

OKU join the celebration as well!

Band performing.

Some making their own documentary....that's new!

Ha!~!! spelling error in 3000 brochures!!

at 6.50, I arrived at the Bukit Jalil LRT station. Accompanied by my dad, we decided to take a peep at what's Volkswagen up to.....


Finally, we canceled our plan....The End
P/S : If you are wondering what exactly was happening I check out :
& more thing.....
I bet you never tried this before!

Thanks, dad! for buying sushi!!

Thursday 8 September 2011

Be A Man ~ Mulan

Let's get down to buisness
To defeat the huns.
Did they send me daughters
When I asked for sons?

You're the saddest bunch I ever met
But you can bet before we're through
Mister, I'll make a man
Out of you.

Tranquil as a forest
But on fire within.
Once you find your center
You are sure to win.

You're a spinless, pale pathetic lot
And you haven't got a clue.
Somehow I'll make a man
Out of you.

Chien-po: I'm never gonna catch my breath
Yao: Say goodbye to those who knew me
Ling: Boy, was I a fool in school for cutting gym
Mushu: This guy's got them scared to death
Mulan: Hope he doesn't see right through me
Chien-po: Now I really wish that I knew how to swim

[men] BE A MAN
We must be swift as a coursing river
[men] BE A MAN
With all the force of a great typhoon
[men] BE A MAN
With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon

Time is racing toward us
Till the huns arrive.
Heed my every order
And you might survive.

You're unsuited for the rage of war
So pack up, go home you're through
How could I make a man
Out of you?

[men] BE A MAN
We must be swift as a coursing river
[men] BE A MAN
With all the force of a great typhoon
[men] BE A MAN
With all the strenght of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon

[everyone]BE A MAN
We must be swift as a coursing river
With all the force of a great typhoon
With all the strenght of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon

wooaaa!!! this really boost my spirit...

Tuesday 6 September 2011


What is the youngest age you can remember back to?
4...I supposed....the year I hit the kindergarten teacher....too much of Jackie Chan....

What sports are you trying out for this year?

Did you wear your hair in a ponytail today?
I'mma boy...

Who do you have on speed dial?
I don't have a phone?

What colors do you like to paint your toenails?
Im'ma a many times I have to tell you? Are you being sexist?

Would it be cool to learn how to DJ at a club?
By sacrificing my own fun? Nahh....pass XDXD

Where are you going to be three hours from now?

What job would you NEVER take, even as a last resort?

If you broke your computer, would you be able to fix it on your own?
how broke is broke? 

If someone looked in your closet, how would they judge your style?
A person that is normal : shirt on his torso, underpants in the "inside", pants on the "outside"

What was the shittiest hotel you’ve ever stayed at and why?
No comment....I ain't a hotel-critique or a hooka!

Have you ever gone on a boat and been sick the whole time?
I hope

Did you get a good sleep last night?
I'm Edward Cullen....I never sleep...

What is the weather like outside? hot....

If someone makes a spelling or grammar mistake, do you ignore or correct?
If I like the person...then I will correct him....when it is a will be my pleasure to correct. XDXD...

Do oversized sunglasses actually look good on you?
You mean the like Bruce Lee's? Nevermind....I look good in everything....

What is the most overrated thing in the world?

Have you heard any completely untrue rumours about yourself lately?
The word "life" comes from the word "lie"....and peeps won't be pleased if I heard my own am I

What is one word to describe your room?
It-is-pretty-clean-on-the-outside-but-nasty-inside-the-wardrobe , is it considered as one word?

If you found a wallet filled with cash on the street, what would you do with it?
I'mma good guy...I'll follow the Moral textbook....

Have you ever kept something from the wild as a pet?

What grades do/did you usually get in school?
average a-little-top....

What is the worst lie you’ve told and gotten away with?
I'mma bad liar...and that's a lie!

Do your parents try to plan out your future for you?
yup....they're living my life...actually....whose life I'm living, then?

Do you think that surveys are a huge waste of time?
I strongly disagree with the above statement. Living in the 21st century, we have to work the shit out of us, just to entertain our bosses and teachers. Hence, it is clear that we all live a pretty hectic life. Answering surveys could be fun for normal human beings as it helps to tone down our brain and keep us away from stress. Besides, our imaginations are set free to soar in the fantasy world of surveys. Moving on....blah-blah-blah! (Now..reading a waste of time! although I wrote it)

Are you wearing a hoodie today?
What? Me? no! why? 

How many songs do you have on your music player?
what is a music player? is it youtube, i-pod, radio? 

What is one thing you’d change about yourself?
I'll like to change myself with the me in the's quieter there....

What is something your parents are always nagging you about?
the way I nag 'bout them....

What is the last thing you laughed about?

Are you embarassed to talk about stuff with your dad?
what kind of stuff? *with the Homer Simpsons suspicious look*

Bored? Gimme another chance...

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