Monday 26 September 2011


you thought it's really a blank post, didn't you?
Well, the above space is enough to fit my brain's knowledge in...
and it is supposed to be full of knowledge, right?
Well, only smart people can decipher 'em....


Well, actually only stupid people will come up with this lie....

That's terribly rude of me, let me educate you with the word of the day, just in case. 


Noun: stupid person (often used as a term of address): "you're not a coward, stupid!".
Adjective: Lacking intelligence or common sense.  

If you're smart enough (the term "smart" is the opposite of "stupid"), you would highlight the above sentences using the mouse cursor. Otherwise, I strongly suggest you do, and preferred not to be labelled as one of them.
thank you. (it's only a  joke, kay?
By the way, here's an awesome post from another person from Oxford: jOke)

And...I don't think I'm that stupid anymore!!! 
A whoopin' 75% for my Additional Maths? 
"I've shown improvement in numbers", and this theory is about to come true after sitting for my Physics exam. Just in case it failed, I don't deserve a "boo" from you, as Edison's quotes said: 

Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. 
 I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. 
hoping for a straight A's this trial. Yes, it is tough, much painful than Johnny English pulling a rock using his, you know, watch the trailer. Hilarious!!

Soon, after I finish my second trial, (yes, there's a second trial exam coming soon) I am going to enjoy some popcorn while having my eyes stuck on the cinema screen. 

Soon after soon (after my SPM), my arse and the couch will unite as one, while my brain is about to shrink into the size of a potato, watching the following movies!

Ohh yeah!!! Tom is back proving that impossible is nothing!

Sherlock Holmes and his partner Watson takes on Dr. Moriarty in the Game of Shadows

The King of shadow's is back...and will be the last?

and might consider
Twilight: Breaking Dawn....hmmm....the first 2 got my dad fell asleep.
But the 3rd one left me satisfied with Victoria's death.
However, I can't stand the conflicts between the 2 bloody and bloodless men. 

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