Tuesday 6 September 2011


What is the youngest age you can remember back to?
4...I supposed....the year I hit the kindergarten teacher....too much of Jackie Chan....

What sports are you trying out for this year?

Did you wear your hair in a ponytail today?
I'mma boy...

Who do you have on speed dial?
I don't have a phone?

What colors do you like to paint your toenails?
Im'ma a boy...again....how many times I have to tell you? Are you being sexist?

Would it be cool to learn how to DJ at a club?
By sacrificing my own fun? Nahh....pass XDXD

Where are you going to be three hours from now?

What job would you NEVER take, even as a last resort?

If you broke your computer, would you be able to fix it on your own?
how broke is broke? 

If someone looked in your closet, how would they judge your style?
A person that is normal : shirt on his torso, underpants in the "inside", pants on the "outside"

What was the shittiest hotel you’ve ever stayed at and why?
No comment....I ain't a hotel-critique or a hooka!

Have you ever gone on a boat and been sick the whole time?
I guess...no....I hope

Did you get a good sleep last night?
I'm Edward Cullen....I never sleep...

What is the weather like outside?
hot...hot....sunny....scorching hot....

If someone makes a spelling or grammar mistake, do you ignore or correct?
If I like the person...then I will correct him....when it is a her...it will be my pleasure to correct. XDXD...

Do oversized sunglasses actually look good on you?
You mean the like Bruce Lee's? Nevermind....I look good in everything....

What is the most overrated thing in the world?

Have you heard any completely untrue rumours about yourself lately?
The word "life" comes from the word "lie"....and peeps won't be pleased if I heard my own rumour....so am I

What is one word to describe your room?
It-is-pretty-clean-on-the-outside-but-nasty-inside-the-wardrobe , is it considered as one word?

If you found a wallet filled with cash on the street, what would you do with it?
I'mma good guy...I'll follow the Moral textbook....

Have you ever kept something from the wild as a pet?

What grades do/did you usually get in school?
average a-little-top....

What is the worst lie you’ve told and gotten away with?
I'mma bad liar...and that's a lie!

Do your parents try to plan out your future for you?
yup....they're living my life...actually....whose life I'm living, then?

Do you think that surveys are a huge waste of time?
I strongly disagree with the above statement. Living in the 21st century, we have to work the shit out of us, just to entertain our bosses and teachers. Hence, it is clear that we all live a pretty hectic life. Answering surveys could be fun for normal human beings as it helps to tone down our brain and keep us away from stress. Besides, our imaginations are set free to soar in the fantasy world of surveys. Moving on....blah-blah-blah! (Now..reading this...is a waste of time! although I wrote it)

Are you wearing a hoodie today?
What? Me? no! why? 

How many songs do you have on your music player?
what is a music player? is it youtube, i-pod, radio? 

What is one thing you’d change about yourself?
I'll like to change myself with the me in the mirror....it's quieter there....

What is something your parents are always nagging you about?
the way I nag 'bout them....

What is the last thing you laughed about?

Are you embarassed to talk about stuff with your dad?
what kind of stuff? *with the Homer Simpsons suspicious look*

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