Saturday 31 December 2011

All in All : Year 2011

To sum up year 2011, the year that I thought would be the greatest time in my live. So much for my superstitious mind on thinking that my birthday is special : 11/11/11. Instead, I've been meditating whilst listening to the the roughest way Canon in D could be played. Terrible moment. Here's some memories that I would like to share....

Chinese New Year. 

Some Carl Jr. sss

Some new menu by Mc Donald's

Some meetings

Since I've no diaries, why not having a blog instead?

Some exercising

Some classmates moments. and some food

Some trips to colleges, on hospitality and culinary.

Some times with me brothers.

And some cleaning up of the school compound. Part of the Moral Project.

Some "family" trees.

Some cute and adorable moment, except me.

And some performances.

Some dedication.

A trip to Malacca. Some exploring and capturing.

Some pictures in Graduation Night. 

Some Kung-fu

Some cuddly moments, some prefer the term "gay".

Some coffee time.

Being idiotic at certain times.

Some moments with teachers.

Some green.  

Some responsibilities. 

Some smiles and cool times.

Some cleaning up.

Some family moments.

A goodbye to the Nissan.
(Oh! I haven't update on the new car!)

Some studying. 

Some planning.

Quote of the year: 
不过如此, inspired by Wong Ching Yee. 

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