Friday 30 March 2012

Price Tag cover by Noel & Joyanne

OK, I know that I have much less views that her. But, here's something pretty amazing that I once thought of doing it.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

This is Embarrassing

Hey Ho! So I said I would post the cover here, and so I did. :] Here you go!:

Please don't laugh. Its embarrassing, I know. Especially the part where I go out of tune. I'm a failure. :P

We made like, 8 covers and this was the one that was...Acceptable. No kidding.

So, what I want you to do is,

  1. Go 'Like' this video on YouTube
  2. Comment on this video, serious comments
  3. Give me honest suggestions
  4. 'Share' this video anywhere you like, but hopefully not on Facebook 
Just simple, easy steps. What? Don't look at me like that, I need exposure!

I promise you invisible-reader-who-I-can't-see, Me and Joyanne will definitely step up our game and give you guys better quality videos. And I shall learn how to edit videos. Any suggestions? Like programs and stuff? *pure silence*

Ah well.

Don't you think that I'm like, getting more and more commercial? Yeah, I think so too. I hate it. I should blog more about me, about my thoughts, about those little things that don't matter in life. But I don't know why, maybe its because my family are reading it as I type out these words!

No Privacy at ALL. 

If you want privacy, you shouldn't blog.

Well, I'm really freaking WTF right now. If that can even describe what I feel.

That was a Random Rant.

Now I feel better.

Check out the video! :]

Cover Angel

please allow pictures of larger bytes to uploaded as the header.

Bahhhhh....just some silly attempts to change the header.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

The Cradle: SMK Seri Kembangan

This school, somehow is the best mistake I've ever made. Here's some ugly facts about me (maybe I've posted it somewhere in this blog), that I didn't take the application for secondary school thingy seriously and failed to enter Catholic High School, the one that I once dreamed of. Even till today, I kept on thinking whether could I achieve greater heights if I have taken that path at first place. However, what done is done, and can't be mend. All I could do, was to choose a better school.

And to SMK Seri Kembangan it shall be.

I've learnt a lot in many aspects of life through this school, dealing with peers, competitions, teachers, nasty things and awesome stuffs as well. From a 142cm tall little kid, I grew up to be "taller", both physically and mentally. The most interesting part, I grew up on how a New Village boy should have (although he still suckzzz in basketball), rather than a student who was brought up "formally well" from the urban schools. 

The prefect. The protagonist. Perfect? No. Pro? Yes. Through this organization, I sense a greater transformation in myself. Timid at first place (not daring to ask where's the toilet). Strict and fiery then (easily-could-have-got-into-a-fight-kind). Finally, a calm young man...that sometimes don't take things too seriously and could be really blur at certain times. Most of my friends are here, all united with a badge. Despite being a role-model to the other students, we have our ugly moments, too. Normally, skipping classes under official reasons ; and occasionally skipping classes with the so-called official reasons. Headcounts? The least, but take serious cases pretty seriously. Oh! And I learnt how to organize a dinner fit for 100 pax! 

Camps. The more you go, the more you gain. The exposure is totally different from the context of National Service. You get to go jungle trekking, soak in mud ponds, play in waterfalls, experience the thrill of a real Flying Fox (believe me, NS's flying fox ain't taking you anywhere far), surging lakes with your shoes stuck in the mud, tomato fights, night exploration that somehow so peaceful with a boy partner clinging on your arm, gazing at the universe and the stars, sleeping with a guy that sweated so "heavily" and felt his warmth, bitten by leeches, learnt how to rescue people from drowning, struggling yourself through obstacle courses, gathering firewood to build a fire and cook dinner with it, amplifying the spirit of teamwork etc.  

I'm somewhere in there....

Projects. Teaming up with friends to get things done. Or at least, copying each other's work. Working through the night, trying to complete the project, but ended up watching The Demon Barber of Fleet Street instead. Visiting historical buildings with friends (Jun Lek and Gze Xie) and taking photos of pages of books in Borders, Times Square. Finishing the whole Geography project in 2 days, and got an A. Spending 1 hour just to draw the front cover. 

Books. Reading and making notes, but not really understanding the content. So, we scribble the pages instead. Trying to answer model questions, but to no avail and have to refer to answers. 

Teachers. "This is the system" as the answer to most unanswerable questions. Giving nicknames to teachers. Having to study the wrong chapter for exam because of the teacher's amnesia and hence, failing the exam. Nurturing minds of all sorts. Listening to teachers sharing the own life experiences which were priceless. Laughing to teachers jokes, falling asleep on teachers' lectures. Came to realize that I've just occupied one page for my Biology notebook. Praying hard for not finishing homework. I'm sorry and I thank you. 

Friends. Being in the same class together but rarely speaks (that's just miserable). Hanging out together for parties and gatherings. Playing Aruba on people's birthdays. Teasing each other. Revising together, but ended up hanging around playing. Having group discussions that probably won't to anywhere. Listening to people's stories. Going on field trips. Cycling downhill and ended up to exhausted to cycle back up, and had to drink tap water due to extreme thirst. Go on "expeditions" with friends after tuition. Having lunch at hawker stalls and spending time in Popular doing personality quizzes. Comparing who takes better photographs. Arguing whose right whether it is mist or clouds. Singing and whistling songs. Jamming together on the guitar. Class goes mad while teacher's on MC. Encouraging each other. Cam-whoring. Study hard, play harder. 

Crushes. Dare to like but chickened out to confess. Trying to act cool and smart in front of her. Burning a CD of her fav. artist and run away from giving her during her birthday. All linguistic and speech went short-circuit when facing her. Stalking on her FB profile, blog, etc... Printing out her photo to be kept in your file. Having small discussion groups about crushes. Feeling so empty without her. Almost cried at the last day of school, facing the fact that I'm actually older and am graduating...There's only 2 things in life that I found most challenging at my time : girls and love. 

Sunday 25 March 2012

A Door

Supposedly I would gain better confidence in everything I do, especially after what I've gone through in Somehow, I am unique, like not daring to go through an automatic sliding door, afraid that it won't open if I stood in front of it. My stunted movement rolled back into a normal pace, following a guy through the door. Gosh...this thing could be a measure of my confidence or any words related to it, eg self esteem, faith...

A door, is kept shut until you dare to twist the knob open. Well, unless it's automatic, and they have knobs
Let me rephrase : A door, is always kept shut until you make your move.
Lesson : be brave. Be bald...I mean, bold.

The pastor was right, we pass through lots of doors everyday. And we open and go through them for a reason, also, to accomplish something. But, guts? It's total a different matter.

Considering it a door, not a wardrobe.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

SPM: Results Release Day


Yes I did realize that 2011 was not a really great year. It turned out to be the opposite of what I anticipated for as I celebrated the birthday of 11/11/11.  And, I have to stop being so superstitious. Or, I have to change myself.

Right. My results. Well, on the surface it may sound awesome. But, the truth is that my grades were not pretty at all. 2A+, 4A, 3A- and 1B. That's how it went. I was expecting to get an A+ for my Bhs Melayu as it is my strongest subject, but I got an A- instead. *sighs with frustration* And, the weirdest thing is I got an A+ for my Physics, which I used to fail it. Maybe I do inherit part of my Dad's engineering genes.

That's Mr. Liew's (priceless) expression. 

This is Mr Tay K.L. PPN (principal) with his statistics. 

*Epic* This is Clifford missing the scent of his ex-schoolmate.

Mr Tay K.L PPN and Dato' Dr. Ivan Hoe W.S  announcing results. 

Top Girl, Jeynn after getting Straight A+ sss. WOw!

And there you go... some great achievements.

At least, the good news is I didn't got kicked out from the CFAB program which requires a minimum of 5 distinctions with English and Maths included.

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. 
                                                                     ~William A. Ward via Mr. Tay Keng Lee PPN*

*see how I respect this guy and I typed his name in Italic?

Tuesday 20 March 2012

PLKN : An insider's guide

Program Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN), also known as National Service (NS) was being implemented in the year 2004, whose target are on those who have finished their Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM). The Ministry of Defense has invested about RM 8200 on every person selected for this program. In line with current Prime Minister Najib's 1Malaysia aspiration, the main objective of NS is to strengthen the bond of unity among races, besides building a healthy and strong character (physically and mentally) among the campers. 

Many tend to ask me how was NS, and normally, I wouldn't give much clarification when I replied "It was OK". Sorry for disappointing anyone of you. I really meant not to. Of course there were exciting and interesting stuffs, however there some pretty monotonous moments. If you were planning for a vacation to get closer with Mother Nature, need not to as NS provides the same experience (at least similar) of leaving in a remote area, while getting an allowance of RM 450.

There are several aspects that you may be concerned with :
1) Food 
The food is relatively ok. Edible, I would say. There are 6 meals a day, which comprises of either chicken or fish between lunch and dinner. Many tend to skip the Fish-meal, as they claim the fish is not well cooked, not fresh. So, there're many who prefer cup noodles. Imagine having cup noodles everyday, which burns a hole in your (or parents) pocket and at the same time, ruins your health. If you're part of the community, don't be astonished when you found yourself having a bunch of grey hair after the camp. You knew that cup noodles are unhealthy, but you just won't eat the fish and wash the dishes, and minimizing the risk of getting choked by a fish bone. Despite all those negative sayings, the Chicken-meals are normally well prepared and well received by the campers, like Kurma Ayam, Ayam Goreng, Ayam dgn lemak and Ayam Kicap. The best part of having fried chicken is it is normally served with Nasi Minyak (the rice that you have for Chicken Rice). 

2) Hygiene
The major concern is the cleanliness of the campers' food trays and cups. Some are not well washed, which leaves a weird smell after some time, and gives an disgusting oily touch. On the other hand, some are well soaped, but not well rinsed, which is also as worse as the first. For the cups, some would just drink from a cup and put it back on the tray. 

The toilet beside the Medic, is a total nightmare. On the toilet bowls there are broken ones, clogged ones, and all of them are covered with yellow urinal stains. That's what boys toilets are, of course. Maybe the girls' may turn out better. However, the dorm toilets are fairly clean, which there are duty-rosters. 

Spitting all over. That's the least I could tolerate. People who spit on the road or anywhere, besides the toilet bowl, basins and drains are complete idiots. The first (and last) time the campers have to roll over the marching field, my shirt was stained by a bloody spit of green phlegm. 

3) Lodging and Dorms
Every one has a blanket, a pillow, a bed and a locker. The campers are delivered to dorms based on the companies. Like ours, Dorm 1 and 2 are for the Alpha Company members, followed on by 3 and 4 for Bravo and so on. There is about 30 people in each dorm. 

Some lockers may be spoiled, and it must be reported to the Dorm Leader, in order to save yourself from false accusations.  Of course there are cases when somebody loses his/her locker key, and there is a necessity to hit open the locker door, or you could "stab" the lock with your hairpin.

The cleanliness and tidiness of the dorms and toilets are credited or otherwise, being projected on the LCD screen and getting extra physical training (PT). 

4) Activities
In the morning there will be morning PT, and class in the morning till noon. Then, You may continue class or there will be some activities which normally ends at 1630 (afternoon tea). Next, there would be Riadah (playing time). While the Muslims attend their Maghrib prayers, Non-Muslims will have lots of free time. The campers would play UNO, chess, have group discussions, play guitars, sleep, read etc. 

Some outdoor activities would include the marching, Flying Fox, Repelling, navigating via compass, Colt M-16 shooting training, kayak-ing, rafting, creative sports and the grand finale : Wirajaya. 

I will explain more about these activities in the future. Meanwhile...

5) Discipline 
In the camp, we are dealing with people from various backgrounds. Nevertheless, they are a community in a smaller scale, meaning there are good and bad ones. But, for the sake of their companies, which struggle to be the champion, some may behave appropriately. Some had exhibited great transformation in themselves to be a better person. And I really salute them. 

Lurking in the dark, staying away from the eyes of the trainers, there are campers who smoke, while smoking is strictly prohibited. There's a case that a camper who is diabetic still attend NS, just to sell cigarettes. And I tell you, he really made himself a fortune. With a cost RM10 (contains a dozen), you get to sell ONE cigarette for RM 4,     2 for RM 7    and     3 for RM 10. 

There is the disciplinary department that handles nasty cases, ranging from theft to fights. We have a Navy and a Corporal who deals with nasty people. Nothing to fear. The Navy (PO Faizul) is great in silat, while Corp. Imran is a Karate master who has won 3 golds in representing Malaysia in several matches held in Adelaide, Australia. Furthermore, Corp. Imran is under the the special force unit (UTK) ad has earned a badge for killing 20 people. So, it's quite peaceful in here. 

I'll update you guys soon....when I'm in the mood. Ta-ta



So Dad got me a phone, which is "crucial" in College. Ain't college the same as schools? We attend classes (just they appear to be tougher and we get to wear what we like) and finally graduates (despite all the hard work and mocks and exams and lecturers blah blah blah). Enough said, I have a handphone.

Nokia Lumia 710, that's what I got with a price of RM 990. Guess my expenses are getting bigger by the day.
Mind you, I never had a phone before. Ok, maybe once upon a time, during Form 2 which I forgot my own-set password to access my phone-calls. Then, the phone was revived last year and got lost on the first day I brought it to KL. Another great lesson learnt... A Windows Phone. That sounds pretty smart after all. Instead of fumbling with buttons, I'm supposed to squeeze me fingers on a screen and touch it, which somehow works out miracles.

It didn't take me that long to understand how the phone works. I could access the Internet, Facebook, messages, Microsoft Powerpoint (for viewing and editing only), Mic Word and Excel, etc. It's rather a simple phone compared to the Androids, which fills the screen with cute little icons.

The problem is that I can't keep my phone number in mind yet but, which led to giving the wrong number to people. Instead, Joanne asked to miss call her in order to save my number in her phone. The Great realization struck me : I didn't know how to call a person!!! With her and her friend's gesture, I know, yes I know I'm acting weird. For a guy who is handphone errrmm...impaired, and is now 17...that's a rare case. the way, Lumia means (in Spanish) the art of light. 

And I'll leave you with the experts: 

Monday 19 March 2012

I See FAB?

C-FAB, or the course that I'm actually studying...Certificate in Finance, Accounting and Business.
Totally have no idea what it is or what's it's gonna be.
Dad said I would do great, as he is convinced that I'm a way.
Mum feels that this course is never gonna be easy. So, get the barrels loaded and get to work!!!
Every word from her is like pulling the trigger against the temple of my head.
A sting...then numbness...then silence...some time for me to "contemplate" what I'm lacking at.

5 days ago, I was still in the National Service camp.
Today, it is the first day of college. A day that some parents may see their child growing up in such a swift pace, with the footprints getting bigger. You look back, and see how much you have achieved, convincing yourself that every pebble you picked up is enough and you're gonna have a great time in college.

You close your eyes. You muttered a simple prayer, hoping everything will turn out fine.
You heard a series of footsteps. Loud ones, with those (I suppose) high-heels.
The door screeches....
The lecturer speaks. A language so familiar. But, the accent that you find it so strange.
It got me chuckled.

Then, surprisingly, that's how everybody communicates.

I'm stunned.
As though I'm in High School Musical....
As if everything is being dramatized.

I see a great transformation...

Sunday 18 March 2012

PLKN Memories : Titian Bintangor • photo by Lee Kar Hing

Photo courtesy of Lee Kar Hing. Pictures taken and uploaded without permission. Don't sue me.

Scenery of Kem PLKN Titian Bintangor

Achieving new heights

Napping while you have the chance.

Some cute, cool moments.

The blues that kept us united.

A team. A family.

Some naughty moments.

A hawk in the making.

Cool gangs around.

During a talk.

Lee Kar Hing...the strong and bold.

Some discussions.

Some sleepy and happy moments.

Thursday 15 March 2012

College Life...

Sometimes, we look into the "unseen" stuffs.
At first was law, then accounts, the A-levels, then AUSMAT. Which one should I choose?
The decision ....
none of the above.

Tomorrow...will be a new phase of life.
College. The place that got us thinking that we have finally grown up.
Tomorrow...will give me a new chance to make everything right back in place.

Hello, college. It's been a long time I'm in the pit.   

as the saying goes :
                   *Don't be afraid of the shadow behind, this shows that light is just ahead...

* Picture and quoted by Jing Hong Choo

Wednesday 14 March 2012

PLKN : Miss me ?

OK, this time I'm really back. No change in mass, height or any charm (if you think I have any). Just the vast difference in me is still...I'm bald and got tanned. You might be curious how could I be here, instead of being released from camp during the actual date, which is 17 Mar 2012. Well, I will be attending college on 16/3/12, which therefore granted with an early release, with a minimum of  60 days in camp.

I will put up some interesting stuffs, if I feel like to. 

It's been really great getting to know various sorts of people. Listening to talks and doing activities. So, it's been a heavy moment to leave the camp before the others. 

To those whom I forgot to bid farewell, and are reading this : I'm sorry. I wish the best of all to you guys. 

Signatures to be cherished and treasured.
(I know the hawk looks kinda weird and stop asking me what is it. (yes, it was meant to be a hawk))

Wat lex,
       wat peace

Bored? Gimme another chance...

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