Wednesday 21 March 2012

SPM: Results Release Day


Yes I did realize that 2011 was not a really great year. It turned out to be the opposite of what I anticipated for as I celebrated the birthday of 11/11/11.  And, I have to stop being so superstitious. Or, I have to change myself.

Right. My results. Well, on the surface it may sound awesome. But, the truth is that my grades were not pretty at all. 2A+, 4A, 3A- and 1B. That's how it went. I was expecting to get an A+ for my Bhs Melayu as it is my strongest subject, but I got an A- instead. *sighs with frustration* And, the weirdest thing is I got an A+ for my Physics, which I used to fail it. Maybe I do inherit part of my Dad's engineering genes.

That's Mr. Liew's (priceless) expression. 

This is Mr Tay K.L. PPN (principal) with his statistics. 

*Epic* This is Clifford missing the scent of his ex-schoolmate.

Mr Tay K.L PPN and Dato' Dr. Ivan Hoe W.S  announcing results. 

Top Girl, Jeynn after getting Straight A+ sss. WOw!

And there you go... some great achievements.

At least, the good news is I didn't got kicked out from the CFAB program which requires a minimum of 5 distinctions with English and Maths included.

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. 
                                                                     ~William A. Ward via Mr. Tay Keng Lee PPN*

*see how I respect this guy and I typed his name in Italic?

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