Tuesday 20 March 2012

PLKN : An insider's guide

Program Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN), also known as National Service (NS) was being implemented in the year 2004, whose target are on those who have finished their Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM). The Ministry of Defense has invested about RM 8200 on every person selected for this program. In line with current Prime Minister Najib's 1Malaysia aspiration, the main objective of NS is to strengthen the bond of unity among races, besides building a healthy and strong character (physically and mentally) among the campers. 

Many tend to ask me how was NS, and normally, I wouldn't give much clarification when I replied "It was OK". Sorry for disappointing anyone of you. I really meant not to. Of course there were exciting and interesting stuffs, however there some pretty monotonous moments. If you were planning for a vacation to get closer with Mother Nature, need not to as NS provides the same experience (at least similar) of leaving in a remote area, while getting an allowance of RM 450.

There are several aspects that you may be concerned with :
1) Food 
The food is relatively ok. Edible, I would say. There are 6 meals a day, which comprises of either chicken or fish between lunch and dinner. Many tend to skip the Fish-meal, as they claim the fish is not well cooked, not fresh. So, there're many who prefer cup noodles. Imagine having cup noodles everyday, which burns a hole in your (or parents) pocket and at the same time, ruins your health. If you're part of the community, don't be astonished when you found yourself having a bunch of grey hair after the camp. You knew that cup noodles are unhealthy, but you just won't eat the fish and wash the dishes, and minimizing the risk of getting choked by a fish bone. Despite all those negative sayings, the Chicken-meals are normally well prepared and well received by the campers, like Kurma Ayam, Ayam Goreng, Ayam dgn lemak and Ayam Kicap. The best part of having fried chicken is it is normally served with Nasi Minyak (the rice that you have for Chicken Rice). 

2) Hygiene
The major concern is the cleanliness of the campers' food trays and cups. Some are not well washed, which leaves a weird smell after some time, and gives an disgusting oily touch. On the other hand, some are well soaped, but not well rinsed, which is also as worse as the first. For the cups, some would just drink from a cup and put it back on the tray. 

The toilet beside the Medic, is a total nightmare. On the toilet bowls there are broken ones, clogged ones, and all of them are covered with yellow urinal stains. That's what boys toilets are, of course. Maybe the girls' may turn out better. However, the dorm toilets are fairly clean, which there are duty-rosters. 

Spitting all over. That's the least I could tolerate. People who spit on the road or anywhere, besides the toilet bowl, basins and drains are complete idiots. The first (and last) time the campers have to roll over the marching field, my shirt was stained by a bloody spit of green phlegm. 

3) Lodging and Dorms
Every one has a blanket, a pillow, a bed and a locker. The campers are delivered to dorms based on the companies. Like ours, Dorm 1 and 2 are for the Alpha Company members, followed on by 3 and 4 for Bravo and so on. There is about 30 people in each dorm. 

Some lockers may be spoiled, and it must be reported to the Dorm Leader, in order to save yourself from false accusations.  Of course there are cases when somebody loses his/her locker key, and there is a necessity to hit open the locker door, or you could "stab" the lock with your hairpin.

The cleanliness and tidiness of the dorms and toilets are credited or otherwise, being projected on the LCD screen and getting extra physical training (PT). 

4) Activities
In the morning there will be morning PT, and class in the morning till noon. Then, You may continue class or there will be some activities which normally ends at 1630 (afternoon tea). Next, there would be Riadah (playing time). While the Muslims attend their Maghrib prayers, Non-Muslims will have lots of free time. The campers would play UNO, chess, have group discussions, play guitars, sleep, read etc. 

Some outdoor activities would include the marching, Flying Fox, Repelling, navigating via compass, Colt M-16 shooting training, kayak-ing, rafting, creative sports and the grand finale : Wirajaya. 

I will explain more about these activities in the future. Meanwhile...

5) Discipline 
In the camp, we are dealing with people from various backgrounds. Nevertheless, they are a community in a smaller scale, meaning there are good and bad ones. But, for the sake of their companies, which struggle to be the champion, some may behave appropriately. Some had exhibited great transformation in themselves to be a better person. And I really salute them. 

Lurking in the dark, staying away from the eyes of the trainers, there are campers who smoke, while smoking is strictly prohibited. There's a case that a camper who is diabetic still attend NS, just to sell cigarettes. And I tell you, he really made himself a fortune. With a cost RM10 (contains a dozen), you get to sell ONE cigarette for RM 4,     2 for RM 7    and     3 for RM 10. 

There is the disciplinary department that handles nasty cases, ranging from theft to fights. We have a Navy and a Corporal who deals with nasty people. Nothing to fear. The Navy (PO Faizul) is great in silat, while Corp. Imran is a Karate master who has won 3 golds in representing Malaysia in several matches held in Adelaide, Australia. Furthermore, Corp. Imran is under the the special force unit (UTK) ad has earned a badge for killing 20 people. So, it's quite peaceful in here. 

I'll update you guys soon....when I'm in the mood. Ta-ta


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