Monday 19 March 2012

I See FAB?

C-FAB, or the course that I'm actually studying...Certificate in Finance, Accounting and Business.
Totally have no idea what it is or what's it's gonna be.
Dad said I would do great, as he is convinced that I'm a way.
Mum feels that this course is never gonna be easy. So, get the barrels loaded and get to work!!!
Every word from her is like pulling the trigger against the temple of my head.
A sting...then numbness...then silence...some time for me to "contemplate" what I'm lacking at.

5 days ago, I was still in the National Service camp.
Today, it is the first day of college. A day that some parents may see their child growing up in such a swift pace, with the footprints getting bigger. You look back, and see how much you have achieved, convincing yourself that every pebble you picked up is enough and you're gonna have a great time in college.

You close your eyes. You muttered a simple prayer, hoping everything will turn out fine.
You heard a series of footsteps. Loud ones, with those (I suppose) high-heels.
The door screeches....
The lecturer speaks. A language so familiar. But, the accent that you find it so strange.
It got me chuckled.

Then, surprisingly, that's how everybody communicates.

I'm stunned.
As though I'm in High School Musical....
As if everything is being dramatized.

I see a great transformation...

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