Monday 31 October 2011

Im'ma carve a smile on you.

P/S: Hug a book! The higher concentration of knowledge in the book will diffuse into your body and brain. 


Dad insisted me on going STPM, instead of A-levels, hence, furthering studies in local universities.

I'm not saying how tough STPM is or how the local Universities reputation are, but to study abroad is one of my dreams.

Dad added that A-levels and abroad is too expensive and would like to spend his money on other


I'll earn a scholarship if I get into A-levels. Fair?

Saturday 29 October 2011

CRap I'll be writing about random and weird stuffs.

For example, let's talk 'bout weird people. Weird people are known as weirdos and act differently from the rest and is/are most likely to irritate someone else to curse or cuss or spit on you like Llama, yes, the one that you saw in the Emperor's New Groove. "Best example of weird people? hmmmm...the answer is still you. It's my page, I write whatever I want! " So, this explains weirdness among humans.

Next topic. Have you ever watched a documentary on scientists unraveling or revealing little secrets of the past or dead people? So, yesterday I watched "Ancient X-Files" on Newton (1642 till 1727) and the Philosopher's Stone. It started pretty well when the scientists or whatever professionals try do decipher Newton's manuscript. Turned out there were too many weird symbols (Newton was weird, too! Be proud of it!) appearing in the pages. For example, the sun represents gold, the moon representing mercury and about Leo's heart (Regulus) aka the heart of the Green Lion and Philosopher's Mercury. Yes, i learnt something, like Newton practiced alchemy, which was considered as dark art during his times (not sure when, but quite sure he's dead), and has been the backbone on erasing forged gold coins. And then, the program leads you to how the Villains got hanged. See? it just got out of topic...blame it on Nat Geo.

Moving on, my first name is Winser and my surname is Chuak. Don't get confused with first name, family name and surname. Family name = surname. Heck!

Next,  I'll update this blog, like in 6 hours time. (If it doesn't happen, read this again.)

as this is a computer generated document.

Knock-knock at heaven's door? (it's from other people's DEEP POV)

Dear God,
If you're out there,
I really do hope you're listening.

Why is it that things cannot be simpler?
Why must everything be in such complication?
Why can't it be A or B?
Why can't it be just black or white?

Dear God,

If you're out there,
I really do hope you're listening.

Why are people so difficult to be with?
Why is it that it is not obvious we do not live forever and we just have this one life?
Why can't people just be honest and direct?
Why must there always be a game to play?

Dear God,

If you're out there,
I really do hope you're listening.

Why is it that I am always the one left out?
Why is it alright to take advantage of Jane?

Why is it that I am always the one hurt?
Why is it that I am always the one cheated?
Why is it that I am always just another one on the list?
Why is it that I am always misinterpreted?
Why am I the one hurting my loved ones?

Why, Oh Why, Dear God, why?

Dear God,
If you're out there,
I really do hope you're listening.

It hurts.
It hurts really bad.
It is broken, really bad this time.
I cannot take the pain no more.
It is too much to handle, to hurtful to handle.
I am really heartbroken, Oh God.

Dear God,
If you're out there,
I really do hope you're listening.

It's 2.45 am and I can't sleep.
My eyes hurt really bad, they can't close.
My head is spinning so fast, it hurts.
I might be getting a slight temperature.

Dear God,
If you're out there,
I really do hope you're listening.

I have never asked anything of you.
Not that I remember of in the past 4 years that we have not spoken.
Even if I did, I would have asked on behalf for another's well being.
But, this time, if you really exist, I need your help.
Just for this time, I need.......I need, your spiritual guidance.

Dear God,
If you're out there,
I really do hope you're listening.

I may not know everything, heck I may not need to know everything at this age,
But, sometimes I lose my way, and I need guidance on to the right path,
I need the spirit to guide me, Dear Lord,
I need comfort, I need warmth, I need guidance,
I cannot take another heart break,
I cannot manage another heart break.

Dear God,
If you're out there,
I really do hope you're listening.

When life strikes me,
I tumble, at times, just fall drastically,
Hurting every senses in me,
Breaking every one of my bones,
And it takes some time for me to stand and climb right back up,
But when I do, and I look down, it actually was not quite far that I fell off.

Dear God,
If you're out there,
I really do hope you're listening.

I feel so much better now,
I feel a burden is lifted off my shoulder,
I feel this hurt in my chest is fading drastically,
I feel so much warmth.

Dear God,
If you're out there,
I really do hope you're listening.

You're a real good listener,
I'm sorry for losing contact with you, but I don't regret it,
It was just an experience I needed to have to appreciate it when it was gone,
I am almost insignificant here on earth,
If not significant, I hope, I really do hope, you at least realise that I exist,
I know I will never reach your good books, I don't expect to come anywhere near,
But, I just hope you do know that I exist and my feelings count,
If not for anyone, at least to you.


Okay...God can't listen to what you write. Still, God understand you. Things could be simpler when you ask less questions. Be strong. Why "Lucifer's assistant"?  ~Winser

Give up.....blek!

Well, here I am...again...

I realized something...
You know that Malaysians leaving Malaysia and set foot and rooted in other countries....
It's just the same like why Indians and Chinese came to Malaysia...

Here's one major reason why Malaysia should keep up with its people, some of its people.....

Not being racist here.
But that's what Interlok taught me.

I've no idea why did I write this.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Last-to-the-power-3 post (well, it's not really my post)

Great....I hope that I will be like that. It's been a long time I didn't have my pressure stacking and stabbing on me. I need this. How come I never woke up from a nightmare that I would fail my SPM? Come on, God! Send me some message to tremble me to keep away from the keyboard, and have my eyes busy on words and numbers!! I know that I couldn't do that well, so, Lord, please...frighten me....and let me score.

This is kinda awkward, huh?

Sunday 23 October 2011

Prefectorial Board Annual Dinner '11

Well....let me tell you 'bout how last year's went.
Well, last year I was in charge of the venue and of course, with plenty guidance and help from Pn. Parames & Ong Ting Meau. Last year's place was The MINES Wellness Hotel. And, there's an interesting incident: For the lucky draw session, the all 3 people joining me on the table got chosen, (Dasral & Abd. Farid) while later I went to another table and another 2 got chosen, on my left was Suganth while on my right was Yee Chor Jhun, and the same thing happened!

And...for this year...
Some got lucky when sitting with me either. I told my friend, Kwan Hau that he'll get one, he didn't believe me, of course... But, his mind totally changed when he got a hamper during the lucky draw session. I guess I'm pretty good in spreading luck, or at least knowing who is lucky around me...

Let me start from the beginning...
It was raining that evening and I was still in my house, half dressed for the dinner, while I forgot to take in the dried clothes, forgot to close the back door and not latching the windows (I just closed them). The implications? I got wet while taking in the clothes, had to close the windows twice as the wind was so strong till they blew the windows open again, and ended up moping the flooded kitchen. And again, my dad and I got stuck on the way to the dinner. It was pretty stressful, listening to my dad's scolding and cursing. Finally, I made it to the Palace of the Golden Horses for the dinner.

Though I thought I was late, yet I turned out to be the 3rd earliest Form 5 in the dinner. I changed into my formal dress only when I arrived, pretty weird huh? Then, one by one...everybody came.

It started with the speech from the Head Prefect 11/12, Hew Chun Fei , followed by the Principal, Mr. Tay Keng Lee PPN,  and the "Vice Chairman" of the Parents & Teachers Ass., Mr. Lee Tak San. Then, everybody had their dinner, left with me worrying 'bout the performance. I didn't prepare well.

We all enjoyed the slideshow on our school lives throughout the 5 years. Thanks, Joy!

The Black Roses (Noel Ng, the Joy sisters (Joylene & Joyanne) and Loke Zheng Guo) was totally awesome. They performed "Count On Me" & "Price Tag". Then, it was Joanne's and my turn. While playing the guitar, the microphone was a little faulty and I used Noel's guitar, instead. And here comes the most unexpected thing: I broke the guitar capo, HER guitar capo! Then, my performance went shitty enough. (let's skip this part) Sorry, Noel. Thanks, Joanne.

I got chosen for "Prince and Cinderella", but got disqualified just after the 1st round. Thanks, Jhana!

I had my dinner. The dinner was supposed to be scrumptious enough, yet I followed my friend's advice to opt for the salad and veggie. I was pretty sure that my fork and spoon were placed correctly upon leaving the table, to help my friend find the W.C. After the trip to the toilet, we ended up loitering in a Japanese rest. and I chatted with the chef there. He has been working there for 9.5 years, the restaurant's been operating for 14 years, they serve buffet, with a variety of 200 dishes, operating from 1030-1430 and 1830 to 2230. I forgot to ask for his name, so I googled him. Thanks, Chef Khair, you're really friendly!


OK, it may be a little out from the main agenda. 
(This is my first time starting a conversation with a "stranger")

In the meantime, I missed out the performance by Prince Charming and Cinderella. But we hugged each other when the Black Roses played Graduation (Friends Forever) by Vit. C. Simply touching! 
Thanks, Noel. 

Confession: Noel, I'm terribly sorry for your capo. I got a new one for you, but this one is really different. I didn't managed to find the exact one. Hoped you like it, although it's made from plastic. But, I have absolute confidence about the quality. All the best in everything, and I really mean it. You're............

Came across this song:

This marks the last post, 
will be back after SPM. 

The simple lack of her is more to me than others' presence. 
                                                                           ~Edward Thomas

"I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, 
                                               there can be no more hurt, only more love."
                                                                                                                      ~Mother Teresa

Thursday 20 October 2011

Guitar sore

Practicing a song for tomorrow's prefectorial board annual dinner, called Lonely by 2NE1 (pronounced as Two AN E (any)one).

Problem that arose?
1) It's in Korean! except for a few words like "lonely"....good news is that they have an English version. Or else, I would have difficulties swaying into the rhythm.

English version of "lonely"

The super talented Sungha Jung (capo 4) version:

Guitar tabs I'm using"

Technique of plucking:

The awesome 2NE1 studio version :

2) Rhythm. Totally messed up everything until Youtube came to the rescue. Now, I've identified the rhythm, and here comes the tough part: playing with the music! To me, the songs pretty fast and it would take about one week to master this song flawlessly (the performance's tomorrow!). I've been practicing till my fingertips managed to scratch out some paint from the guitar fret board. (Oh! I haven't tell you that I'm playing guitar! Ooops...)

3) Wrong capo (guitar clips)...shhhh! Quiet! My dad still doesn't know that I accidentally bought a acoustic guitar capo, as I'm playing classical. Acoustic's pretty cool, too! So, you might be wondering what's the difference between both types of guitar capo. If you notice, there are distinct characteristics between guitars. The classical is the special one that has 12 frets, 3 nylon strings and 3 metal coiled strings which sound produced is tougher and louder, has a flat and larger fret board. While the acoustic has around 14 frets, all metal strings that produces soft sound, has a circular and thinner fret board. So, since both have different shapes and sizes of fret boards, the types of capo used is pretty a big deal. The implications: the strings are not clamped tightly enough, which gives the awful, irritating "clumsy vibration" voice.

P/S: well, I was pretty lucky that I bought the acoustic capo. I broke Noel's capo, right? (Gosh, I've been posting this all time!) and so, it fits her guitar. glad to see that she got an electric guitar. 

4) Old guitar, old strings. The last time I had my guitar strings changed was around last year October! It's kinda rusty and the sound is not so "crispy" anymore. I recommend Stagg strings, by the way!

I guess that's all. This is my second last post before SPM. I'll update you with Deepavali and the Annual Dinner soon.

2nd trial exam's finally over! I myself is surprised how many questions that I CAN'T answer....

It's not just having looks, but the talent counts, too! XDXD

Tuesday 18 October 2011

The Paper Plane

The story: 
Teacher ask my friends to fold a paper plane, and they did. Although using different ways of folding and hence having different forms, but still, it displays the shape of a plane. Then, the teacher ask them to fly/throw their planes, seeing whose reaches the furthest. Then, the teacher crumpled a paper and asked one of them to throw it, which turned out it exceeds the distance achieved by the 2 paper planes. The teacher points towards their paper planes and said:" who says that an aeroplane must look like this? It can be a ball, like this crumpled paper. You have to think outside the box. It's all about creativity."

Moral value:
Think from different perspectives, hence breaking the norm and let creativity set free.

When all think alike, then no one is thinking.

Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.

This...we agree it's a paper plane.


How about this? It could fly, too!


An important lesson indeed. 

However, I'd like to comment that the example is not suitable. With all respect to the teacher, I think that the example is not suitable. Well, what is a plane, a paper plane to be exact? As all should have known, and as defined, a plane is a heavier-than-air-powered flying vehicle with fixed wings (source: ). Applied same to the paper plane, except it is not a vehicle, but an origami, all planes must have wings! Both students have succeeded in making a paper plane, but a crumpled paper, which also, exhibits its ability to fly has no wings, hence not being categorized as a plane. I assume that the teacher sees airplanes are object that can fly. Since, do we call a rocket, a bird, Superman, a UFO, a person parachuting  a plane? 

Besides in terms of shape, both differs from force applied, method of throwing, direction of propagation , time on air, lifting force, effect of wind etc...

So, it's basically like a car could move, feeds on fuel, excretes gasses, sensitive to stimuli (alarm,sensor), but do you call it a living organism? No! why? It can't neither reproduce, nor it can grow. 

Thinking outside the box by reinventing? Then, a new name should have been created to avoid confusion.  

Leave me a comment to correct me (if I'm wrong), please?

Saturday 15 October 2011

Mid Valley : Din Tai Fung & CIMB Smart Rewards Fiesta

Well, today I've had the privilege to enjoy a famous Taiwanese-Chinese cuisine at Din Tai Fung, Mid Valley.
I didn't take any photographs because my dad allow me to. So, we ordered baby Xiao Long Bao, Fried Tou Fu Puff with Glass Noodles and a bowl of Beef noodles.

The Xiao Long Bao (little Dragon dumplings?) was really cute. Altogether 12 pieces accompanied shredded ginger and vinegar. In order to make sure that the dumplings son't stick to the base of the steamer, the base is layered with cloth, unlike other restaurants that use cabbage leaf. I guess the smaller the dumplings are, the harder it is to make them. The making of these dumplings requires careful hands, to make sure that the skin of the dumpling is thin enough and yet able to withstand the weight of the content (minced meat and soup. Furthermore, according to I-Dragon, a restaurant which is also famous for this dish, every dumpling has the same number of pleats, around 53 of them. For more information, click this: . There is a reason why the website is named STEAMY-kitchen. Oh, and the taste was small enough, desperately making you craving for more.

Moving on, the Toufu Puff with Glass Noodles was a light one. It's not vegetarian, by the way. It has some kind of minced meat that should have been the leading character in this dish. The glass noodles were simply transparent. When you think you're about to finish the noodles, and scoop the soup and *voila*, there's still a little of these angel hairs in your spoon. So, to confirm that you have finished all the noodles, you have to lick the soup dry and clean!

Ahh! The beef noodles! Strong, aromatic yet tender enough to sink your teeth in without having to struggle with them. Unlike the glass noodles that breaks once bitten, the beef noodles are flour-y. chapter: the CIMB Smart Rewards Fiesta.
Located in the convention centre, occupying 3 halls and holds a variety of items, from electrical products to furniture to hand phones to computer gadgets to almost everything! Dad bought 2 Daiichi luggage bags, while mum  bought a Panasonic blender. Like all exhibitions, the things sold are cheaper and you don't have to walk around the shopping complex to get what you desire. This "fiesta" is a all-in-one! Of course, you must be a CIMB credit card holder to enjoy the discounts. And, the CIMB-red-shirted people might buzz you around to MAKE you upgrade your card. So, be firm, be strong, be persistent!

The Man Who Didn't Believe in Love

There was once a man who didn't believe in love.

Much of his life had been spent searching for love, only to find it didn't exist.

What he said was the love is just like a drug: it makes you very high, but it creates a strong need.
He used to say that most relationships between lovers
are just like a relationship between a drug addict and the one who provides the drugs.

The drug addict lives in constant fear, such that he will not be able to get the next dosage of love, or the drug.

On the other hand, the provider can control and manipulate the one who needs the drug 

What humans call 'love' is nothing but a fear relationship based on control. 

One day this man was walking in a park.

and there was a beautiful lady crying. 
She told him that love doesn't exist and told him about her marriage. 
She discovered that she didn't love him and that he didn't love her either.
"But the children need a father, and that was my excuse to stay.
Now the children are grown up and they have left. I no longer have any excuse to stay."
He embraced her statement.

They were so much alike,
Then, he thinks that 'maybe what I feel for her is love, but this is so different!'
She felt the same either.
Perhaps love does exist, 
but it's not what everyone thinks love is.

One night, a star came down to his hands
and merged with his soul

The man gave the star to her
to prove his love towards her.

She felt a moment of doubt.

The star fell and shattered...

Author of the story's POV:
The star was his happiness,
and his mistake was to put his happiness in her hands.
But as soon as he made her responsible for his happiness,
she broke the star because she could not be responsible for his happiness.
We base our happiness on our partner and it doesn't work that way.
We make promises that we cannot keep,
and we set ourselves up to fail.

Blogger's POV:
You HAVE to take some measure of responsibility. What kind of relationship does not require some degree of responsibility? It is not about making each other wholly responsible but simply sharing responsibility over a SHARED happiness.Whoever this writer is, believing that you can have a relationship in which you can relinquish all responsibility is clearly the product of a selfish mind. How can you share a life if you can't share happiness?? And always, always, in any investment, there is a degree of risk. Some more than others. You can never predict what'll happen, things can change over night or over time. You don't invest everything all at once but you have to put something into it. If you don't then yeah, you don't lose. But you don't gain either. So what if you lose? Recoup your losses and try again. Because whatever it is you have lost, it shouldn't be the will to try. It's true... love is a drug. But like all drugs (because medicines are drugs too) it's only bad for you if abused no?

Mine? after my SPM....

Friday 14 October 2011

Loitering KL

Exactly 30 days to SPM and yet I have not utilize my time on studies. Instead, I spent most of them on loitering Kuala Lumpur.
It is 14th October, 2011 the day that I sat for the second wave of school trial examinations. I barely could get a grasp on what exactly the English paper is about. The before I knew it, there a ringing sound in my head, something like tinnitus and not having enough time to double check my answers. Time’s up! And I haven’t got my papers tied. Brilliant enough, I stapled the string on the paper and handed them in. “Based on the novel Step by Wicked Step, give examples on the characters that exhibit the value of being responsible.” Perhaps my thinking is has tapered due to excessive TVs and internet, but as far I‘ve known (Maybe I should have known) there was only one character that fits in, which is Charlotte. So, in order to have a complete piece of essay (minimum points of 3), I had to dump everything I knew (those characters that have a higher possibility) into the text.

As for the Malay paper, I didn’t quite catch the requirement of the question. Well, since the papers that we are sitting are not set accordingly to the SPM format, there were more words needed to be written rather than time could allow. In simpler words, I did not have enough time. I had to skip 2 making sentences out of weird words (It may not be so alien-like if I studied harder!) , skipped 3 grammar errors correction, and 2 fill-in-the-suitable-proverbs.
There's a Ducati in it!

Back to the first paragraph, (sorry! That I got so hooked up on the exam part. It was one of the toughest that I ever faced. Maybe I have been too long in the comfort zone.), I went to KL. 

Why did I go there? Shhhh…I’ll tell you sometime, in case you tell my parents on what have I done. (Don’t worry, I’m a law abiding citizen). I arrived at the Hang Tuah LRT station and noticed half of the stairs were occupied by a blind person walking down the stairs with the assistance from a police. That’s a big deal there! In my life I haven’t seen a police helping a blind person, or helping people which is not part of their job although it is supposed to be their responsibility. In fact, it should have been everyone’s task on paying more attention towards the “special people.” Oh…the people behind the police and the blind man followed patiently down the stairs (maybe the cop has a gun?). Moving on to the counter, it was the friendliest voice that I ever heard when a woman approached the ticketing counter and said with a smile :” Good afternoon. Pasar Seni, please.” I continued walking with a smile.
P/S: there is no such station called “Pasar Seni” in the LRT Sri Petaling-Ampang-Sentul Timur Line. It only exists in the Kelana Jaya line.

I boarded the monorail and went to Sungai Wang Plaza. I loitered and walked and comparing the prices and searching my cup of tea and *bling*, something caught my attention and I bought it. (Top secret) Mind you, I almost got lost, but thanks to my intuition, I managed to get out from the building! (Exclamation mark is not necessary, actually.)

I had my lunch at Lot10 Hutong, which holds the best Chinese local cuisine in KL. Such all-in-one concept is really a time-savior (time-saver) to those looking for the authentic Chinese dish that leaves your mouth drooling. I visited a photography gallery held by the BSAF Petronas Chemical. 

Say cheese! Say NO to breast cancer. 

Check or checkmate! I know that it sounds wrong for a boy to say this, but you should have yours checked. The earlier, the better. The world is filled with feminist people: why isn’t the prostate cancer awareness program held as grand as this? (Just kidding) 

Guitar and breast cancer, the connection?
(Guitar attracts people to join the campaign.)

 Be the message, everybody!

 Working hard to prevent Breast Cancer.

Excuse me? you're on my lens? (I don't mid at all!)

Last one: 
Then, I went for tuition and went home safe and sound, which explains why I am here to publish this post to evoke your jealousy! (just kidding, again.)
And wish me…I mean the fifth-formers best of luck in SPM. 

Saturday 8 October 2011

The Awakening

You might be wondering when I'm gonna leave this computer desk and come eye to eye with the books. Well, it's gonna take a while, while I'm gonna keep your eyes busy with another lame post that is like a 1 ton metal weight tied to your eyelids.

I've been reading blogs from other people, and it turned out that they were not bad at all, in fact, worthy enough for me to print them out and to study them thoroughly. The language, the message, the style of writing truly impressed me. The content and points were so strong and yet so light (brought in a light manner). The language was awesome and smooth, till the extend that I could rap it out loud with the whole piece of essay. Flawless, I must admit, and catchy, too!

The topics brought up are simply and tightly related to the happenings around us. This shows a whole new perspective on how wide and far people can see, how deep people can feel, how sweet life could be, and how mystical life is. You never WILL know what is ahead of you, and all you've got is just your past that guides you through the depths and shallows of life. Maybe I should change my style of writing awful stuffs like complaining about the people, acting naughty on my style of writing, minimizing the usage of slang and try to write like I'm writing, instead of talking.

Maybe I should change the way I present myself. Sure I've been making a fool out of myself (let's skip this topic) and standing still on the right path and yet got run over by the others. For 16 years, 10 months, 9 days, 11 hours, 57 minutes and have-no-idea-how-many-seconds I have been living on this piece of land, I noticed that I have made myself any progress, not able to leap far or high enough. Not because I can't , just that one, I have to break the cage, and two, I'm scared of falling. Life taught us to be strong (actually I learnt that from Rocky Balboa). It doesn't matter if you drop to the ground and suffer from a concussion, all you need is time. So, fast is not enough, you need to think and act swiftly, yet precisely. Making the right moves is just as crucial as seeing the whole journey through smoothly.

There are so many things that we could achieve out of alphabets,
26 letters,
infinite length...

Hibernation....'s 2030 (o'clock) already? that fast? What? it's 7 Oct '11 already?
*Quick* where's my damn books?

It's been awhile after the trial test, and I'm here having my weight buried in the couch...movies after movies...
(What? It's irresistible!) CSI: NY, Hawaii 5-0's, Iron Man 2, Harry Potter : Half Blood Prince, Shutter Island, Prince of Persia, Karate Kid, Hayate the Combat Butler series, Charlie's Angels, ending part of SALT. Darn 'em!!! I even traded precious time for watching Johnny English: Reborn online with an audio language that I never will comprehend (French?) !

And, you might be wondering that did I score well?
here's the sequence, but I'm not revealing the marks!

1) Bahasa Melayu : Thanks to the trio teachers (the Hashims), I showed improvement!
    The Hashims: - school            : En. Hashim Hussein
                         - Kasturi tuition  : En. Hashim Abdullah
                         - U.W tuition     : Pn. Rafiah Hashim
2) English : "Winser, you could easily get an A, just that your writing is really scary!~"
3) Sejarah : Not bad for a modern kid, huh?
4) Maths : You could aim higher...
5) Biology
6) Add. Maths
7) Moral
8) Chemistry
9) Physics (I didn't get the marks yet)
10) Chinese/ Mandarin (the scope is kinda wide for me)

I really, I mean, really, have to study, but ...(I guess you know)

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Monday 3 October 2011



Noun: The combined action of a group of people, esp. when effective and efficient.  

Almost all.

Teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success

Noel Ng N.B.

Wong Kek Leong

Yip Wai Loon

Joylene Ling A.H.

Chong Yee Qiong, Joanne Guan H.M. , Ng Kah Yan 

A. Sivaneswary 

Anticlockwise from right: Joanne Guan H.M. , Kong Kah Yenn, Ng Kah Yan , 
Chong Yee Qiong, Wan Jing Mun

People rarely succeed unless.... 
            they have fun in what they are doing!

Ong Ting Meau

Low Yi Wen, Joyanne Ling, Noel Ng

Wong Kek Leong, Clifford Lim

Ho Khoon Meng

From back: Yap Yung Shen, Yee Chor Jhun

Wong Kek Leong

From left: Lim Kok Ping, Kenneth Chia J.H. , Yap Pik Hung

From Left: Puan P.T. , Woon Jia Ming, Choo Jing Hong, 
Wong Kek Leong, Ho Khoon Meng

Ho Khoon Meng, Puan P.T.


Joylene Ling A.H.

From left: Kong Kah Yenn, Chong Yee Qiong, Joanne Guan H.M. ,
 Wan Jing Mun, Ng Kah Yan 

Front to back: Joylene Ling A.H. Ms. Low F.L, Ho Khoon Meng,
Loo Hong Bin, Puan P.T.

Front line only: Ng Kah Yan, Chong Yee Qiong, Joanne Guan H.M., 
Wan Jing Mun, Kong Kah Yenn

Jonas John P.A.

errrm...temporary amnesia 
(I've got it! Leng Rong Kun!)

Clifford Lim, Chan Geng Ding, Chai Choon Hin

Wong Kwan Hau

Not following sequence: Yip Wai Loon, Ho Jing Fung, Woon Jia Ming, Joylene Ling A.H,
Wong Kek Leong, Joanne Guan H.M., Choo Jing Hong, Noel Ng N.B, Chong Yee Qiong, 
Kong Kah Yenn, Ho Khoon Meng, Joyanne Ling, Low Yi Wen, Wan Jing Mun, Ong Ting Meau,
Puan P.T., Ng Kah Yan, Winser Chuak, Ms Low F.L. Pn. Parames & daughter, Jhanani.

I don't know what happened to the picture: Phan Yik Kang 

Yee Chor Jhun, Winser Chuak, Woon Jia Ming

Guy in blue: Hew Chun Fei

At the height of LAUGHTER, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.

Lim Ai Wei, Ho Jing Fung

Peeps in pic, not in order: 
Chong Yee Qiong, Kong Kah Yenn, Ho JIng Fung, ong Ting Meau,
Wan JIng Mun, Woon JIa Ming, Ng Kah Yan, Wong Kek Leong, Clifford Lim, 
Ho Khoon Meng, Joanne Guan H.M

Joanne Guan H.M, William Chin

S. Priyankka, Kumeresan

Beh Gin Sheau, Ong Yee Chen

Nothing is unthinkable, 
nothing impossible to the balanced person,
provided it comes out of the needs of life and
is dedicated to life's further development. 

Chow Li Kien, T. Pavaani, Wan Jing Mun

Loke Yap Hwang, Loo Hong Bin, Loke Zheng Guo

Wan Jing Mun

Our aspirations are
 our possibilities

Kong Kah Yenn

S. Ruthresh Rao

A winner makes commitment, A loser makes promises

Phuah Shelvin, Ashley Denise Chai

Kumeresan, Kejenthiran, Sureen Kumar, Blue Man (sorry!)

Noel Ng N.B, Joyanne Ling 

From most left: Yap Pik Hung, Farm Voon How, Wong Yi Fai, Koo Yung Han

Un-orderly manner: Ng Kah Yan, Joanne Guan H.M, Wan JIng Mun, Chong Yee Qiong, 
Kong Kah Yenn, Puan P.T, Ang Bin Ting, Yip Wai Loon, Yap Yung Shen, Chan Geng Ding, 
Kenneth Chia J.H. , Koo Yung Han, Loke Zheng Guo, Lim Kok Ping, Clifford Lim, Wong Kek Leong, 
Yee Chor Jhun, Sharvin and Manisha Kaur

To serve, to strive,  & not to yield

In picture: too many

Ang Bin Ting 


We are what we repeatedly do; excellence, is not an act,
 but a habit.

S. Ruthresh Rao, Ho Khoon Meng, Ang Bin Ting, Koo Yung Han, 
Kenneth Chia J.H. , Choo Jing Hong, Chan Geng Ding, Yip Wai Loon, 
James Hoo, Lim Kok Ping, Woon Jia Ming, Ho Jing Fung, & David (student) IM~possible

Ashwinika, S.Ruthresh Rao, Jonas John P.A.

Ng Kah Yan, Kong Kah Yenn, Ong Ting Meau, Ho Khoon Meng,
Wan Jing Mun, Joanne Guan H.M. , S. Ruthresh Rao, 
Winser Chuak, Choo Jing Hong.

Even if you’re on the right track, 
you’ll get run over if you just sit there

In Pic: 
S. Priyankka, Mathanaah, Niroshini, Phan Yik Kang,
Ong Yee Chen, Amy Hoo Y.P, Kwan Sook Mun, Chong Siow Whui, Lim Ai Wei, Ng Xelynn, Yoo Jie,
Joylene Ling A.H., Ho JIng Fung, Aaron Low W.K, Hew Chun Fei, Farm Voon How, Beh Gin Sheau,
Joyanne Ling, Noel Ng N.B., Phuah Shelvin, Ashley D.C., T. Dhipashri,  
Nah Boon Kit, Loo Hong Bin, Loke Yap Hwang, Chan Han Sheng, Kenneth Chia J.H


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