Saturday 29 October 2011

CRap I'll be writing about random and weird stuffs.

For example, let's talk 'bout weird people. Weird people are known as weirdos and act differently from the rest and is/are most likely to irritate someone else to curse or cuss or spit on you like Llama, yes, the one that you saw in the Emperor's New Groove. "Best example of weird people? hmmmm...the answer is still you. It's my page, I write whatever I want! " So, this explains weirdness among humans.

Next topic. Have you ever watched a documentary on scientists unraveling or revealing little secrets of the past or dead people? So, yesterday I watched "Ancient X-Files" on Newton (1642 till 1727) and the Philosopher's Stone. It started pretty well when the scientists or whatever professionals try do decipher Newton's manuscript. Turned out there were too many weird symbols (Newton was weird, too! Be proud of it!) appearing in the pages. For example, the sun represents gold, the moon representing mercury and about Leo's heart (Regulus) aka the heart of the Green Lion and Philosopher's Mercury. Yes, i learnt something, like Newton practiced alchemy, which was considered as dark art during his times (not sure when, but quite sure he's dead), and has been the backbone on erasing forged gold coins. And then, the program leads you to how the Villains got hanged. See? it just got out of topic...blame it on Nat Geo.

Moving on, my first name is Winser and my surname is Chuak. Don't get confused with first name, family name and surname. Family name = surname. Heck!

Next,  I'll update this blog, like in 6 hours time. (If it doesn't happen, read this again.)

as this is a computer generated document.

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