Saturday 8 October 2011

The Awakening

You might be wondering when I'm gonna leave this computer desk and come eye to eye with the books. Well, it's gonna take a while, while I'm gonna keep your eyes busy with another lame post that is like a 1 ton metal weight tied to your eyelids.

I've been reading blogs from other people, and it turned out that they were not bad at all, in fact, worthy enough for me to print them out and to study them thoroughly. The language, the message, the style of writing truly impressed me. The content and points were so strong and yet so light (brought in a light manner). The language was awesome and smooth, till the extend that I could rap it out loud with the whole piece of essay. Flawless, I must admit, and catchy, too!

The topics brought up are simply and tightly related to the happenings around us. This shows a whole new perspective on how wide and far people can see, how deep people can feel, how sweet life could be, and how mystical life is. You never WILL know what is ahead of you, and all you've got is just your past that guides you through the depths and shallows of life. Maybe I should change my style of writing awful stuffs like complaining about the people, acting naughty on my style of writing, minimizing the usage of slang and try to write like I'm writing, instead of talking.

Maybe I should change the way I present myself. Sure I've been making a fool out of myself (let's skip this topic) and standing still on the right path and yet got run over by the others. For 16 years, 10 months, 9 days, 11 hours, 57 minutes and have-no-idea-how-many-seconds I have been living on this piece of land, I noticed that I have made myself any progress, not able to leap far or high enough. Not because I can't , just that one, I have to break the cage, and two, I'm scared of falling. Life taught us to be strong (actually I learnt that from Rocky Balboa). It doesn't matter if you drop to the ground and suffer from a concussion, all you need is time. So, fast is not enough, you need to think and act swiftly, yet precisely. Making the right moves is just as crucial as seeing the whole journey through smoothly.

There are so many things that we could achieve out of alphabets,
26 letters,
infinite length...

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