Friday 14 October 2011

Loitering KL

Exactly 30 days to SPM and yet I have not utilize my time on studies. Instead, I spent most of them on loitering Kuala Lumpur.
It is 14th October, 2011 the day that I sat for the second wave of school trial examinations. I barely could get a grasp on what exactly the English paper is about. The before I knew it, there a ringing sound in my head, something like tinnitus and not having enough time to double check my answers. Time’s up! And I haven’t got my papers tied. Brilliant enough, I stapled the string on the paper and handed them in. “Based on the novel Step by Wicked Step, give examples on the characters that exhibit the value of being responsible.” Perhaps my thinking is has tapered due to excessive TVs and internet, but as far I‘ve known (Maybe I should have known) there was only one character that fits in, which is Charlotte. So, in order to have a complete piece of essay (minimum points of 3), I had to dump everything I knew (those characters that have a higher possibility) into the text.

As for the Malay paper, I didn’t quite catch the requirement of the question. Well, since the papers that we are sitting are not set accordingly to the SPM format, there were more words needed to be written rather than time could allow. In simpler words, I did not have enough time. I had to skip 2 making sentences out of weird words (It may not be so alien-like if I studied harder!) , skipped 3 grammar errors correction, and 2 fill-in-the-suitable-proverbs.
There's a Ducati in it!

Back to the first paragraph, (sorry! That I got so hooked up on the exam part. It was one of the toughest that I ever faced. Maybe I have been too long in the comfort zone.), I went to KL. 

Why did I go there? Shhhh…I’ll tell you sometime, in case you tell my parents on what have I done. (Don’t worry, I’m a law abiding citizen). I arrived at the Hang Tuah LRT station and noticed half of the stairs were occupied by a blind person walking down the stairs with the assistance from a police. That’s a big deal there! In my life I haven’t seen a police helping a blind person, or helping people which is not part of their job although it is supposed to be their responsibility. In fact, it should have been everyone’s task on paying more attention towards the “special people.” Oh…the people behind the police and the blind man followed patiently down the stairs (maybe the cop has a gun?). Moving on to the counter, it was the friendliest voice that I ever heard when a woman approached the ticketing counter and said with a smile :” Good afternoon. Pasar Seni, please.” I continued walking with a smile.
P/S: there is no such station called “Pasar Seni” in the LRT Sri Petaling-Ampang-Sentul Timur Line. It only exists in the Kelana Jaya line.

I boarded the monorail and went to Sungai Wang Plaza. I loitered and walked and comparing the prices and searching my cup of tea and *bling*, something caught my attention and I bought it. (Top secret) Mind you, I almost got lost, but thanks to my intuition, I managed to get out from the building! (Exclamation mark is not necessary, actually.)

I had my lunch at Lot10 Hutong, which holds the best Chinese local cuisine in KL. Such all-in-one concept is really a time-savior (time-saver) to those looking for the authentic Chinese dish that leaves your mouth drooling. I visited a photography gallery held by the BSAF Petronas Chemical. 

Say cheese! Say NO to breast cancer. 

Check or checkmate! I know that it sounds wrong for a boy to say this, but you should have yours checked. The earlier, the better. The world is filled with feminist people: why isn’t the prostate cancer awareness program held as grand as this? (Just kidding) 

Guitar and breast cancer, the connection?
(Guitar attracts people to join the campaign.)

 Be the message, everybody!

 Working hard to prevent Breast Cancer.

Excuse me? you're on my lens? (I don't mid at all!)

Last one: 
Then, I went for tuition and went home safe and sound, which explains why I am here to publish this post to evoke your jealousy! (just kidding, again.)
And wish me…I mean the fifth-formers best of luck in SPM. 

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