Saturday 15 October 2011

The Man Who Didn't Believe in Love

There was once a man who didn't believe in love.

Much of his life had been spent searching for love, only to find it didn't exist.

What he said was the love is just like a drug: it makes you very high, but it creates a strong need.
He used to say that most relationships between lovers
are just like a relationship between a drug addict and the one who provides the drugs.

The drug addict lives in constant fear, such that he will not be able to get the next dosage of love, or the drug.

On the other hand, the provider can control and manipulate the one who needs the drug 

What humans call 'love' is nothing but a fear relationship based on control. 

One day this man was walking in a park.

and there was a beautiful lady crying. 
She told him that love doesn't exist and told him about her marriage. 
She discovered that she didn't love him and that he didn't love her either.
"But the children need a father, and that was my excuse to stay.
Now the children are grown up and they have left. I no longer have any excuse to stay."
He embraced her statement.

They were so much alike,
Then, he thinks that 'maybe what I feel for her is love, but this is so different!'
She felt the same either.
Perhaps love does exist, 
but it's not what everyone thinks love is.

One night, a star came down to his hands
and merged with his soul

The man gave the star to her
to prove his love towards her.

She felt a moment of doubt.

The star fell and shattered...

Author of the story's POV:
The star was his happiness,
and his mistake was to put his happiness in her hands.
But as soon as he made her responsible for his happiness,
she broke the star because she could not be responsible for his happiness.
We base our happiness on our partner and it doesn't work that way.
We make promises that we cannot keep,
and we set ourselves up to fail.

Blogger's POV:
You HAVE to take some measure of responsibility. What kind of relationship does not require some degree of responsibility? It is not about making each other wholly responsible but simply sharing responsibility over a SHARED happiness.Whoever this writer is, believing that you can have a relationship in which you can relinquish all responsibility is clearly the product of a selfish mind. How can you share a life if you can't share happiness?? And always, always, in any investment, there is a degree of risk. Some more than others. You can never predict what'll happen, things can change over night or over time. You don't invest everything all at once but you have to put something into it. If you don't then yeah, you don't lose. But you don't gain either. So what if you lose? Recoup your losses and try again. Because whatever it is you have lost, it shouldn't be the will to try. It's true... love is a drug. But like all drugs (because medicines are drugs too) it's only bad for you if abused no?

Mine? after my SPM....

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