Tuesday 30 August 2011

You Know You Love Me: Couch Potato Contemplations

You Know You Love Me: Couch Potato Contemplations

The movies she mentioned (I'm not-yet a fan of Harry Potter) were movies that I fav...after watching 'em on HBO & Star Movies.

oh...If you have no idea what I'm...I mean "we" 're talking 'bout....then I'll the movie impress you....
The guitar's beautiful in the intro...(I have no idea how good is the Korean version. I won't be surprised if it is better than the other one...) ~I bet you have no idea that which "it" I'm referring....so, take it your way...Win-win situation!


I'm gonna talk something 'bout my dreams I had, that I could remember, which is clean...

Today I DREAM about being in a shopping complex (probably i went shopping yesterday), whereby a TV exhibition, to be exact it's Panasonic  is going on...The layout was something close to the Pavilion, KL, just that they have 2 escalators that is almost vertical....and at the below with huge words : You're entering 3D...

After that I remembered walking out to the car park....
then a security guard approached me, asking for my "Touch N Go" card...and I gave him....He said that he would return it when I get out....then, I went into my dad's car....
I stared at the mirror...I feel cheated....I asked my dad to pull over as I went out to find that guy....
I entered the exhibition again....this time there were some guys playing "Paint ball"...and their guns ain't the normal rifle type...they were pistols that fired red "bullets" ....and I got hit (no guns on me) and escaped to the elevator....only felt to late to realize that it was vertical. My friends gave me push..and I fell...In sleep I could really feel the adrenaline gushed in....and of course I didn't die...I landed on both my feet that is tarrying me to bang on a huge TV screen due to the momentum....

Then, Pn Samsiah (IDK...why her?) warned that my friends could be sued...and I said "biarkan" (never mind). And, we all sat in, and listened to her lesson.....whereby the classroom's located somewhere top of the building, and she was writing on the windows, instead of a board. The marker she was using had a fluorescent effect, which glowed on the glass....awhile the night made 'em even more beautiful....

After the class, I asked my friend whether did he see a security guard....Of course he didn't know....and
here come's the weirdest part of all : He asked me whether am I in a dream and I checked my wallet for the "Touch N Go" card...It was there.....

30/8/11 1430-1700 House 

I wanna remind to you readers....that it is just a dream....

Monday 29 August 2011

Merdeka Raya

OKay...so this post should be in front of the Holidayysss post....well...this year's celebration or the Rancangan Integrasi Murid UNtuk Perpaduan (RIMUP) program ain't that hot as the previous years....

On 2008, we had an "entourage" of Tunku Abdul Rahman arriving on a pickup truck surrounded by motorcycles, while proudly shouting "Merdeka" for 7 times.

I have no idea why did TAR shouted "merdeka" for 7 times..but based on the internet:

that's just some jokes....here's the "asker's " choice:

People in the old days and those in the older generation believes that for all acts that should be done, the 7th is most sacred.
As xlutfix had mentioned (as being 'magical'), it is considered a special number for various reasons; 7 wonders of the world, 7 levels of heaven/7th heaven, 7 Generations, 7 colors of the rainbow, royalty (often being associated with the number 7) , Lord Vishnu appeared as a 'complete' human being as Lord Rama in his 7th avatar incarnation, of the 32 planes of existence in the Buddhist cosmology, Lord Indra/Sakka resides in the 7th level of celestial plane and so on... Indeed, the number 7 has a very special meaning in the occult world.
Perhaps, the hailing of Merdeka for 7 times was considered as 'Laungan Keramat' as it was one of the most important event in the Malayan history, for winning independence by the people of that day.
Hope I could give an alternative point of view towards this... as I have to look into certain things that needs to correlate to the beliefs and culture of the people who lived during the time of the late Tunku.

  • 4 years ago
  • 3 people rated this as good
Asker's Rating:
4 out of 5
Asker's Comment:
Thanks for the info...

On 2010, we had a drama that someone had injured (fake injuries) till the St. John Ambulance came to the rescue!!! and with Tunku Abdul Rahman on a pickup truck again....I expect him to be slightly plump.

On 2011, we celebrated a double occasion, shouldn't it be double the fun, double the time of performance (so that I could skip classes(juz kiddin' XDXD), but the teachers didn't teach. Instead we played Hangman (word guessing)) ???  Maybe the celebrations are on August, whereby the teachers are busy preparing test papers, invigilating exams, marking papers, while students had to shave their heads so that the skulls' not so thick, hence making easier to absorb knowledge.....

However, it's still a good try....
I'll feed you with some pictures...enjoy!

here's our "Tunku Abdul Rahman"

Singing patriotic songs, by the prefects: Setia & Tanggal 31. 

The emcee, Jonas John 

The prettiest teacher....if I wasn't mistaken....

Yay...our class got 2nd place for class decoration  !!!

(hey, that's me at the background....standing there for almost (it feels like) half an hour....Does that make me crazy? Probablyyyyy~~~~)

guessing words in Hangman

oh, by the way....to one of our school's greatest band...(in fact all are great) : Freedom:

Not bad!! Keep up the good performance (Oh Oh Oh Balik Kampung & Saya Anak Malaysia)....
It was a good thing that you guys succeeded in cheering up the crowd.
(i'm sorry that I'm don't have a pic of 'em)
but...here's a new version of Saya Anak Malaysia:

Before I forget,
http://slash.tblog.com/post/1969778691     (kinda out of date, the post was published on 2005)
Let me get this right,
The author is unhappy of the mentalities of the Malaysians.
Such that although the country has achieved "merdeka" the thoughts and perceptions of the Malaysians
are still in a cage...in such a way that we (Im'ma a Malaysian too) don't really opt for Malaysia-made products. Yet, when they see a brand that's "foreign", then they might go for it... And some companies can't help it but to fool Malaysians with those names....

That goes the same to China-made products...when peeps see brands like Jiajia, Guang Ming, Jia Hui... .indirectly it freaks people off.....
some peeps find it irresistible when they see the price....Damn Cheap!! (so it might be worth it)

some more pix: (all pics are original.)

Sunday 28 August 2011

All I need is all I''ve got.

ok, here's something new...I  composed a song!
a short one...so tell me what'cha think...

All I need is all Ive got
A chain through our hearts and souls
A bond so unbreakable
A faith so undeniable
There’s no dream that’s impossible.

Struggling hard to keep on breathing
Standing strong to find a meaning
Sometimes I just can’t believe
In what I really lay faith in.

Surging pains, the tougher I gain
The higher I climb, the greater I fall
But I ain’t just gonna stand and stare
With all those people with the piercing glares

All I need is all I’ve got
I still see light over the horizon
With you we stand side by side
In misery and hardest times.

All I need is all I‘ve got
I still see hope over the rainbow
With your hands I’m never alone
In darkness paved with cobble stones.

Saturday 27 August 2011


Happy Merdeka Raya to all Malaysians....first of all....
holidays here....finally.
exams after the holidays.....awww!!!!!!

ARRRGHH!!! Trialsss and SPM!!!!!

Finally, I 'm brave to say that

& LUCKzzz 

 In your face!!!!!

you're now entering Battlefield...

I surrender!!!!

Oh...by the way....I
I  only came to know which room does a transgender goes into when he/she has to answer nature's call....
The room with this sign!!!
which is situated between the gents' and ladies'....
glad to know....glad to know.....

however...if you're looking for more authenticity....
you might wanna check  this out, very specific indeed...

Hehe....wake up at 8, fed the washing machine with smelly clothes, made cucumber juice, did some revision, uploaded some pix in Hotmail, updated this blog, got addicted to Youtube for a while, managed to get some shut-eye...ermmm..I think I forgot something...Oh!! I forgot to bathe (I brushed my teeth...dun worry)
Dear http://jasryn.blogspot.com/
I hereby would like express my gratitude for the lessons and beautiful quotes (from you & by those peep that tuck em' in your post) through your blogs. I enjoyed reading 'em so much, till I went almost crazy reading 'em aloud, until my parents confessed: I really hate your voice!!! It aroused my anger and it makes me anxious!!!

Mum showed the real way on how to read....It was pretty formal..in other words..it didn't pretty interest me...
Of course I know how to read!!!! What I was trying to do was to let the emotions take over me and see how it goes....and it went like Ryan Higa sprinkled with (pre)-puberty voice....(that's on purpose)

Mum said: there're 2 types of people in the world....
those who are steady and don't show interest in everything and
those playful people that are curious with lots of things.
And, the world opt for the 1st one.
I'm not criticizing you, but I'm givin' you a direction....

Well...actually..the advice was more than that....I wasn't payin' too much attention on 'em...sorry, mum!
However, when you said that you are giving a direction....it is said that you might be:
1) Not knowing my direction.
2) Indirectly criticizing that I'm not in the direction that I'm supposed to be.

Well...I know which category I am in....I don't mean to be modest, but I sacrificed a lot to things that I really wanted to be interested in....So, I guess you know my answer....


I recently fell in love with this song....although I'm in home....but I was too shitty to feel......

3/9/11 Woke up at 0730 for taekwondo . (0800 till1200), went home and helped mum with the mopping and cleaning, lunch, slept, tired, currently here with you .....

Dear mother nature,

I'm terribly sorry for spoiling your Ferero-Rocher-like-ozone coating, for I've been opening and closing the refrigerator door, craving for some Cadbury chocs....I just can't resist the temptation....the sweetness that melts in your mouth, or just munching the whole ball off (chocolate ball, I meant. What were you thinking? What was I thinking!) and let the whole sticky, delightful texture clutch to your tooth, while the crunch of the hazel nut echoing your head till you forgot that the price...

I think I'll be a having a toothache....XDXD

The person who took, and yet destroying you,
yet, with love,

To make you guilty, like me...kindly refer to the below link. XDXD

Art: definition, Medusa (Queen Elizabeth II)


1. The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
2. Works produced by such skill and imagination.  More »

Basically....I'm not a person that has eyes of seeing through art....or at most the eyes of Da Vinci....
However.....I'm definitely inspired and cracked me out from the box....like a can opener and a tuna can....
Moreover....I've been spending some time in galleries....sometimes....like Galeri Petronas that exhibits various activities 
                 and masterpieces, Starhill Gallery whereby they're having the Art Festival themed "Inspiration of Tomorrow" 
                 and the Muse level....

In a nutshell...

I've came out with my own definition of the term "art"
"Anything that the brain interprets differently."
one of e'm that caught my attention is the dedication of Yeak Ping Lian to the contribution of art development in Malaysia.
Born at the same date, but different year, Yeak PL has ADHD and has problems in his own development....
At first, he has problems with holding a pen....
Finally, he succeeded and brought his view on the surroundings to canvas and papers and pens and colours that has 
produced fine art....

Art is not just something beautiful....
I remembered reading an article on the portraits of 
Queen Elizabeth II....
whereby a portrait/sculpture of her is made 
from disgusting things and trash.....
named Medusa 

Yeah....I know....I feel sick too 
and thinking why are they so mean....

But that's simply one person's thought 
and creativity to produce such "thing" ...
which is still known as "art"....
(why is it considered art? refer to my definition of art above)

it is against the majority perspective.....

Let's take this topic sip by sip , instead of one bunch at once....

Since Medusa has made a deep impression in the Greek mythology, the Queen has been an icon as well. 
Medusa made her appearance in Monsters Inc., Clash of the Titans , Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, 
while the Queen has her own movie like Elizabeth II , and the Johnny English series. Furthermore, the Queen 
has her face printed on the currency of UK. 

                      Long live the queen,,,,,
                               God save the queen....

Plastics & Tags

Hey guys,
Recently my dad went shoppin’ (Damn, he didn’t take me along!....(I got tuition.))…and here’s what I noticed the moment I opened the boot…..
(no pic) but the it was a mess….Why? The good news? There’s no plastic bags on Sats.
                                                           The bad news? There’s no plastic bags on Sats….

Well, I don’t see much effort of bringing a recycle bag that we guys used to collect….pink, brown, white, yellow, blue, rainbow….
In fact, this effort has just coloured your day….when you find extra colours on the bags….for example…
watery-red chicken bloodstains,
gooey-green washing liquid   …errmmm….etc..
(which makes peep wasting water to wash off those stains….shhhhh, I didn’t say anything)
Overall, it’s a good thing! (Kudos to the state gov & dad for taking several recycle bags along.)
*dad, you could have saved a few recycle bags if I tagged along, I have long hands.oohh wait, there’s a trolley.
On the other hand (it has nothing to do with plastic bags…or recycle bags)
BOOO to the market for providing false info on certain products….
For example….This!
There’s no way this bun/bread could have last so long….
And YES!!! I was right!! It became mouldy after 4 days!!!!

Friday 26 August 2011


First of all...sorry for not blogging lately....

however, you're not in the big picture....except it is really "you"....
but I dun think that you'll be here....
It's like a secret window (try watching Johnny Depp's Secret Window!!, then you'll know what I'm talking 'bout)
that sees through a secret garden...

okay....back to the main topic....
It's 'bout one of those freaky feelin' that I always had...
not in front of you...
not just near to you....
but....in school....!!!
It's a psychological feelin', nothing to do with "radar or GPS"...for those tech geekss!!!

Dear:   Mpr; Mh   (It's a code....I bet you can't crack it!!!)
I'm sorry....again...(I think I've written something 'bout this b4)
for not having the gutzzzz to approach you....
and I know...
you ain't gonna approach me from no where....
and I know....
you and I can't go any further by having our...
I mean "my" legs nailed to the ground.....

You are like a coconut?
(what a weird description!!)
hard on the outside....
yet sweet in the inside....
you rock like a rock....
ok...a bulldozer!
(another weird description.....bare on it or leave it! XD)
I've been cravin' for some of those sweetness....

Yet....I dun have the tools...
please don't dry up that fast.....
Gimme time?

*This could have been the longest piece of essay....there's just too much 'bout you to be written...some can't just be described by pens and papers....hoping that you'd understand....I listen to your fav singer (A.L.)...but can I listen to your heart....or can you here me shouting for you....deep inside my heart?....is it just merely an infatuation? or is it an obsession? Is it merely love? I don't even know....I don't even dared......I'm sorry...Gimme strength...gimme time....gimme chance....gimme guts...? (I know...I'm greedy, in fact everybody is!  XDXD)....In my view...you're juz like a macro effect on a camera....my brain, heart, every part of my soul is focused on you....I don't know who are really....really...GREAT....I'mma put a fullstop here!~

Thursday 18 August 2011

School Life...07-11

The luckiest mistake eva so far in my life....that has changed my life....that determined my future....my friends...the way I behave....

Guess what's that? I ended studyin' in SMK Seri Kembangan.....
OKay....It was 70% my fault on not taking the secondary school application thingy seriously....during primary school....

I was applying for Catholic High School, the coolest kind of school that I could dream of....
sure I like Victoria High as well....but internet references claims the place to be haunted.......

My life got screwed up....then....I got SMK Seri Serdang....and got 1 Setia...the best class....if not mistaken....
Been in that school for 1 week....being an ordinary kid...getting lost in the compound....sittin' last in class.....*groan....skidding towards "glory"? Becoming "Sekolah Wawasan"...yeah....sure it will happen...but it takes time....

But the best out of the worst (so far), my family was so busy running from departments to offices to ADUN's to schools in order to get me changed.....and there seemed to be no other choice.....but SMK Seri Kembangan....also the one closest to my home....

Great....I didn't know where's the toilet....until a prefect helped....Tong CY... (currently a King's Scout, congratzz...although you and I never interact eva since then)....bought loads of new workbooks...AGAIN!

pheeew....I'll keep this updated....sooooooooooooooooooon.

Monday 15 August 2011

Chewing gum....

Forest Gump's mum once said : Life's a box of choc, we never will know what we'll get....

I say:
Life's a chewing gum....
you get chewed....
dirty things stuck on you....
the teeth get cleaned....
your flavour fades...
sweetness gone....
you got spit out...
you got sticked between elevator doors....
as the doors open....
you stretched the sh!t our of you...
as the doors closed...
you got beaten up like 2 sumos clamping on you....
you annoy others....
finally got scraped off...
dries off into lump of dust....

well....nice guys finish last....they got exploited in all awful ways....and soon turned bad....

Emergency: Bye car....

dedicated to the coolest car....that you probably never seen before....

Nissan Bluebird Saloon....1.8

This is the first post about you, too bad its the last time I'm seeing you....
well....you have been part of this family since I was born....
that Dad fetched me back home on you...with you keepin' me comfy!
that we got the opportunity to enjoy a sauna when your aircons failed to work....
that you got a little rusty till you got sent to the workshop for a new paintjob...
that you organs are so hard to find till the foreman had to make one....
that you had to be revived by the AAM mechanic when you undergo "temporary death"...
that you had your wheels and break pads changed while dad dragged you there...as they stick together!

such fond memories.....
that mum and dad had always hag with the mechanic for a cheaper price!


with love, plenty of 'em...

next update: New car.... 

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Back Again....on this and cooking

Hey....it's been quite a time that I didn't "COOK" in the kitchen...everytime I entered the kitchen it will be the before and after processes, like preparing the ingredients and washing the dishes....

This time...I decided to cook the simple thing: Spaghetti....wooolalala...!
And to prove that I can cook! 

Ha!!! In your face!!! That was what I created!!!!! 
(Mind those black marks)

Dad said it tasted terrible....but I never thought so...as he finished the whole bowl....finishing off my portion, too!!

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Temporary back.....

can't really focus on SPM revision, studies...books....arrrgghh!!!
and there's only 97 days to go!
so....I was kinda thinkin' that if I list out what I will be doing after the exam....
that's when life REALLY starts>..

1) Backpacking around Malaysia and Singapore....perhaps for 2 weeks...while collecting opinions or juz chatting with peeps from different backgrounds.....(oh....I've not got any permission from my parents) ~RM300 (i'm trying to break a record here!!)

2) National Service.....should be fun isn't it?

3) Learn skateboarding....play basketball...how to cook.....the right way! & driving license~RM450

4) Form a band...upload a music video... (IDK! Tyler Ward...Megan Nicole...Sam Tsui looks awesome!not to forget to mention Ryan Higa, Chester See & crews!)...write my very own piece of music.(seem kinda hard, Im'ma pick up lessons)..learn piano/violin.(sounds cool...!)..attend songwriting classes...learn more songs for guitar..(for)..busking...collaborate with classmates.... caroling?....ohh....buy  an electric guitar! ~RM2000?
Sunburst or stylish black?

5) Promise not to fail the Taekwondo exam....NEV'A!!....participate in marathon...or anything 'bout sweating. ~RM150 
6) Change my style of writing in essays....and this blog....I'm TIRED of being commented as WEIRD in my pieces of essays by the teacher!!!! (dear teacher, you'll be sorry!!! muahhahahaa!!!!!)  ~might earn $$ when my essays get published!! Muaaaahhaaha!!! (mad scientist's laugh)

7) Get a new DSLR camera & a sound recorder & a handphone ( yup, currently I dun have one)....ohh..wait...that should be on top of this list!! (priority!**) ~RM5000?
8) Participate in various activities that help to mould a better community....charity....packing food and distribute to the poor? yup...that is what I should be doing! ~>RM500?

9) Becoming a "formal" Christian! read the Bible....(great news! I passed my Bible knowledge quiz!!...Bahhh...only 54%....ha!!!)...learn the correct way of praying...(I kinda read that from the Bible...too bad I didn't really practice it!)...Lord....gimme a few more months to serve You better....please? Priceless!!

10) Get a scholarship?.....in my dreams....

11) Find true inspiration....about life...about myself (true self)....about God....about everyone....the world....
Ya know....reading those kind of books that my friend Dylan enjoys reading...ahh...spiritualism? (is it what they call it?) Books will be the answer!! I'm kinda sick of reading fictions....or maybe some of them...On the other hand...James Martin's "Meaning of the 21st Century" has given my plenty of insights...on the behavior of this world.... ~RM300 for a another priceless lesson?
OKay....maybe most of them can't be achieved without $$$, so...I'mma write a budget list... and get a job...if its necessary......

Darn it!!! I think too far!!!! I haven't sit for my Trial exam and yet these dreams keeps popping up!!!!!

wish me luck! you, too....to whoeva that reads this....

Monday 1 August 2011

Insanity & Peace

La$t post

its time for me to study for SPM
see you next year.....


this is so weird....
the feeling....my heart.....the world....so strange....

I love it.....
to see you everyday.....
I hate it.....
Not having the guts to approach ya'....
I regret it....

Cos you're just unpredictable...
but....here comes my weird theory....
that something that happens to me....
will goes the same to you after a week.....

Is it juz my feelings....or what?

I believed....
that was juz admiration....
on how awesome you are....

great!!! I can't continue anymore!!!!!
My dad just yelled at me for abusing my computer time!!!!

to be continued..... 

Bored? Gimme another chance...

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