Monday 29 August 2011

Merdeka Raya this post should be in front of the Holidayysss post....well...this year's celebration or the Rancangan Integrasi Murid UNtuk Perpaduan (RIMUP) program ain't that hot as the previous years....

On 2008, we had an "entourage" of Tunku Abdul Rahman arriving on a pickup truck surrounded by motorcycles, while proudly shouting "Merdeka" for 7 times.

I have no idea why did TAR shouted "merdeka" for 7 times..but based on the internet:

that's just some's the "asker's " choice:

People in the old days and those in the older generation believes that for all acts that should be done, the 7th is most sacred.
As xlutfix had mentioned (as being 'magical'), it is considered a special number for various reasons; 7 wonders of the world, 7 levels of heaven/7th heaven, 7 Generations, 7 colors of the rainbow, royalty (often being associated with the number 7) , Lord Vishnu appeared as a 'complete' human being as Lord Rama in his 7th avatar incarnation, of the 32 planes of existence in the Buddhist cosmology, Lord Indra/Sakka resides in the 7th level of celestial plane and so on... Indeed, the number 7 has a very special meaning in the occult world.
Perhaps, the hailing of Merdeka for 7 times was considered as 'Laungan Keramat' as it was one of the most important event in the Malayan history, for winning independence by the people of that day.
Hope I could give an alternative point of view towards this... as I have to look into certain things that needs to correlate to the beliefs and culture of the people who lived during the time of the late Tunku.

  • 4 years ago
  • 3 people rated this as good
Asker's Rating:
4 out of 5
Asker's Comment:
Thanks for the info...

On 2010, we had a drama that someone had injured (fake injuries) till the St. John Ambulance came to the rescue!!! and with Tunku Abdul Rahman on a pickup truck again....I expect him to be slightly plump.

On 2011, we celebrated a double occasion, shouldn't it be double the fun, double the time of performance (so that I could skip classes(juz kiddin' XDXD), but the teachers didn't teach. Instead we played Hangman (word guessing)) ???  Maybe the celebrations are on August, whereby the teachers are busy preparing test papers, invigilating exams, marking papers, while students had to shave their heads so that the skulls' not so thick, hence making easier to absorb knowledge.....

However, it's still a good try....
I'll feed you with some pictures...enjoy!

here's our "Tunku Abdul Rahman"

Singing patriotic songs, by the prefects: Setia & Tanggal 31. 

The emcee, Jonas John 

The prettiest teacher....if I wasn't mistaken....

Yay...our class got 2nd place for class decoration  !!!

(hey, that's me at the background....standing there for almost (it feels like) half an hour....Does that make me crazy? Probablyyyyy~~~~)

guessing words in Hangman

oh, by the one of our school's greatest band...(in fact all are great) : Freedom:

Not bad!! Keep up the good performance (Oh Oh Oh Balik Kampung & Saya Anak Malaysia)....
It was a good thing that you guys succeeded in cheering up the crowd.
(i'm sorry that I'm don't have a pic of 'em)'s a new version of Saya Anak Malaysia:

Before I forget,     (kinda out of date, the post was published on 2005)
Let me get this right,
The author is unhappy of the mentalities of the Malaysians.
Such that although the country has achieved "merdeka" the thoughts and perceptions of the Malaysians
are still in a such a way that we (Im'ma a Malaysian too) don't really opt for Malaysia-made products. Yet, when they see a brand that's "foreign", then they might go for it... And some companies can't help it but to fool Malaysians with those names....

That goes the same to China-made products...when peeps see brands like Jiajia, Guang Ming, Jia Hui... .indirectly it freaks people off.....
some peeps find it irresistible when they see the price....Damn Cheap!! (so it might be worth it)

some more pix: (all pics are original.)

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