Tuesday 9 August 2011

Temporary back.....

can't really focus on SPM revision, studies...books....arrrgghh!!!
and there's only 97 days to go!
so....I was kinda thinkin' that if I list out what I will be doing after the exam....
that's when life REALLY starts>..

1) Backpacking around Malaysia and Singapore....perhaps for 2 weeks...while collecting opinions or juz chatting with peeps from different backgrounds.....(oh....I've not got any permission from my parents) ~RM300 (i'm trying to break a record here!!)

2) National Service.....should be fun isn't it?

3) Learn skateboarding....play basketball...how to cook.....the right way! & driving license~RM450

4) Form a band...upload a music video... (IDK! Tyler Ward...Megan Nicole...Sam Tsui looks awesome!not to forget to mention Ryan Higa, Chester See & crews!)...write my very own piece of music.(seem kinda hard, Im'ma pick up lessons)..learn piano/violin.(sounds cool...!)..attend songwriting classes...learn more songs for guitar..(for)..busking...collaborate with classmates.... caroling?....ohh....buy  an electric guitar! ~RM2000?
Sunburst or stylish black?

5) Promise not to fail the Taekwondo exam....NEV'A!!....participate in marathon...or anything 'bout sweating. ~RM150 
6) Change my style of writing in essays....and this blog....I'm TIRED of being commented as WEIRD in my pieces of essays by the teacher!!!! (dear teacher, you'll be sorry!!! muahhahahaa!!!!!)  ~might earn $$ when my essays get published!! Muaaaahhaaha!!! (mad scientist's laugh)

7) Get a new DSLR camera & a sound recorder & a handphone ( yup, currently I dun have one)....ohh..wait...that should be on top of this list!! (priority!**) ~RM5000?
8) Participate in various activities that help to mould a better community....charity....packing food and distribute to the poor? yup...that is what I should be doing! ~>RM500?

9) Becoming a "formal" Christian! read the Bible....(great news! I passed my Bible knowledge quiz!!...Bahhh...only 54%....ha!!!)...learn the correct way of praying...(I kinda read that from the Bible...too bad I didn't really practice it!)...Lord....gimme a few more months to serve You better....please? Priceless!!

10) Get a scholarship?.....in my dreams....

11) Find true inspiration....about life...about myself (true self)....about God....about everyone....the world....
Ya know....reading those kind of books that my friend Dylan enjoys reading...ahh...spiritualism? (is it what they call it?) Books will be the answer!! I'm kinda sick of reading fictions....or maybe some of them...On the other hand...James Martin's "Meaning of the 21st Century" has given my plenty of insights...on the behavior of this world.... ~RM300 for a another priceless lesson?
OKay....maybe most of them can't be achieved without $$$, so...I'mma write a budget list... and get a job...if its necessary......

Darn it!!! I think too far!!!! I haven't sit for my Trial exam and yet these dreams keeps popping up!!!!!

wish me luck! you, too....to whoeva that reads this....

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