Friday 26 August 2011


First of all...sorry for not blogging lately....

however, you're not in the big picture....except it is really "you"....
but I dun think that you'll be here....
It's like a secret window (try watching Johnny Depp's Secret Window!!, then you'll know what I'm talking 'bout)
that sees through a secret garden...

okay....back to the main topic....
It's 'bout one of those freaky feelin' that I always had...
not in front of you...
not just near to you.... school....!!!
It's a psychological feelin', nothing to do with "radar or GPS"...for those tech geekss!!!

Dear:   Mpr; Mh   (It's a code....I bet you can't crack it!!!)
I'm sorry....again...(I think I've written something 'bout this b4)
for not having the gutzzzz to approach you....
and I know...
you ain't gonna approach me from no where....
and I know....
you and I can't go any further by having our...
I mean "my" legs nailed to the ground.....

You are like a coconut?
(what a weird description!!)
hard on the outside....
yet sweet in the inside....
you rock like a rock....
ok...a bulldozer!
(another weird description.....bare on it or leave it! XD)
I've been cravin' for some of those sweetness....

Yet....I dun have the tools...
please don't dry up that fast.....
Gimme time?

*This could have been the longest piece of essay....there's just too much 'bout you to be written...some can't just be described by pens and papers....hoping that you'd understand....I listen to your fav singer (A.L.)...but can I listen to your heart....or can you here me shouting for you....deep inside my heart? it just merely an infatuation? or is it an obsession? Is it merely love? I don't even know....I don't even dared......I'm sorry...Gimme strength...gimme time....gimme chance....gimme guts...? (I know...I'm greedy, in fact everybody is!  XDXD)....In my're juz like a macro effect on a brain, heart, every part of my soul is focused on you....I don't know who are really....really...GREAT....I'mma put a fullstop here!~

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