Saturday 27 August 2011


Happy Merdeka Raya to all Malaysians....first of all....
holidays here....finally.
exams after the holidays.....awww!!!!!!

ARRRGHH!!! Trialsss and SPM!!!!!

Finally, I 'm brave to say that

& LUCKzzz 

 In your face!!!!!

you're now entering Battlefield...

I surrender!!!! the way....I
I  only came to know which room does a transgender goes into when he/she has to answer nature's call....
The room with this sign!!!
which is situated between the gents' and ladies'....
glad to know....glad to know.....

however...if you're looking for more authenticity....
you might wanna check  this out, very specific indeed...

Hehe....wake up at 8, fed the washing machine with smelly clothes, made cucumber juice, did some revision, uploaded some pix in Hotmail, updated this blog, got addicted to Youtube for a while, managed to get some shut-eye...ermmm..I think I forgot something...Oh!! I forgot to bathe (I brushed my teeth...dun worry)
I hereby would like express my gratitude for the lessons and beautiful quotes (from you & by those peep that tuck em' in your post) through your blogs. I enjoyed reading 'em so much, till I went almost crazy reading 'em aloud, until my parents confessed: I really hate your voice!!! It aroused my anger and it makes me anxious!!!

Mum showed the real way on how to read....It was pretty other didn't pretty interest me...
Of course I know how to read!!!! What I was trying to do was to let the emotions take over me and see how it goes....and it went like Ryan Higa sprinkled with (pre)-puberty voice....(that's on purpose)

Mum said: there're 2 types of people in the world....
those who are steady and don't show interest in everything and
those playful people that are curious with lots of things.
And, the world opt for the 1st one.
I'm not criticizing you, but I'm givin' you a direction....

Well...actually..the advice was more than that....I wasn't payin' too much attention on 'em...sorry, mum!
However, when you said that you are giving a is said that you might be:
1) Not knowing my direction.
2) Indirectly criticizing that I'm not in the direction that I'm supposed to be.

Well...I know which category I am in....I don't mean to be modest, but I sacrificed a lot to things that I really wanted to be interested in....So, I guess you know my answer....


I recently fell in love with this song....although I'm in home....but I was too shitty to feel......

3/9/11 Woke up at 0730 for taekwondo . (0800 till1200), went home and helped mum with the mopping and cleaning, lunch, slept, tired, currently here with you .....

Dear mother nature,

I'm terribly sorry for spoiling your Ferero-Rocher-like-ozone coating, for I've been opening and closing the refrigerator door, craving for some Cadbury chocs....I just can't resist the temptation....the sweetness that melts in your mouth, or just munching the whole ball off (chocolate ball, I meant. What were you thinking? What was I thinking!) and let the whole sticky, delightful texture clutch to your tooth, while the crunch of the hazel nut echoing your head till you forgot that the price...

I think I'll be a having a toothache....XDXD

The person who took, and yet destroying you,
yet, with love,

To make you guilty, like me...kindly refer to the below link. XDXD

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