Thursday 18 August 2011

School Life...07-11

The luckiest mistake eva so far in my life....that has changed my life....that determined my friends...the way I behave....

Guess what's that? I ended studyin' in SMK Seri Kembangan.....
OKay....It was 70% my fault on not taking the secondary school application thingy seriously....during primary school....

I was applying for Catholic High School, the coolest kind of school that I could dream of....
sure I like Victoria High as well....but internet references claims the place to be haunted.......

My life got screwed up....then....I got SMK Seri Serdang....and got 1 Setia...the best class....if not mistaken....
Been in that school for 1 week....being an ordinary kid...getting lost in the compound....sittin' last in class.....*groan....skidding towards "glory"? Becoming "Sekolah Wawasan"...yeah....sure it will happen...but it takes time....

But the best out of the worst (so far), my family was so busy running from departments to offices to ADUN's to schools in order to get me changed.....and there seemed to be no other choice.....but SMK Seri Kembangan....also the one closest to my home....

Great....I didn't know where's the toilet....until a prefect helped....Tong CY... (currently a King's Scout, congratzz...although you and I never interact eva since then)....bought loads of new workbooks...AGAIN!

pheeew....I'll keep this updated....sooooooooooooooooooon.

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